Monday, September 14, 2009

Heart on Fire

Take your troubles before the Lord,
Even though you don’t want to,
This my friend is what’s called faith,
He’ll show you things you never knew.

Ask for help and ask for truth,
Even though you don’t want to,
This my friend will give you hope,
A real hope that is so true.

Be persistent and don’t give up,
E’en though you think that He won’t come,
The storm is just the worst of it,
You’ll value it when you see the sun.

Say to the Lord, you will accept his will,
E’en though it can be hard, incredibly,
But have a heart that is sincere,
And He’ll consider your honest plea.

Do what’s right and don’t be afraid,
Even though you are so scared,
This my friend will build your strength,
And when the time is right you’ll be prepared.

Don’t sit and just procrastinate,
E’en though you think that you are weak,
But good things come to those who wait,
For those whose hearts are truly meek.

If and when He blesses you,
With what you’ve prayed and what you’ve cried,
It will seem as though you always knew,
In your very depths so deep inside.

And if your true heart’s desire never comes,
God loves you still and is by your side,
If you realize this that is enough,
And all your tears will be justified.

But through it all and no matter what,
Still pray e’en through the times you tire,
For true sight is given in our weakest times,
When He blesses you with a heart on fire.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009


I feel inspired to write of love,
As I sit by some flowers in the cool night air.
Everyone becomes a poet at its touch,
So my heart to yours I meekly share.

Who so loves believes the impossible,
The heart often sees, what’s invisible to the eye,
There are few who have loved to the extent the soul can,
Because there are only a few who have tried.

Life isn’t living unless you have loved,
And you haven’t loved unless you can see,
That love doesn’t simply fade away,
And that it’s as real as the flower growing next to me.

Flowers grow old though and eventually die,
But another grows in and replaces it,
This part of love though is what makes me cry,
That the fragrance of the first you will never forget.

God can only be the author of something so grand,
And we’re the ones of its defeat,
But would you wish to have never been touched at all,
By something so tender and sweet?

How can one forget the feeling of it?
And how can one be happy after it’s gone?
Like I said, God is the author of the very best love,
So let Him lead me on.

I sit by some flowers in the cool night air,
I watch the moon drift in and out of the clouds,
I imagine the most exquisite love so fair,
And feel the peace and truth it endows.

The greatest emotion of all is endowed from above,
It is to feel the heart of someone you once knew,
And to dream a child’s dream of being in love,
With your very best friend, whose friendship was true.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

Moonlit Walk

I thought of you my dear today,
I thought if you were here I’d say,
“You look beautiful tonight,”
And I’d ask if you’re alright.

Then I’d sense a sadness come,
A familiar, humble tune I’d hum,
Then I’d say to my darling dear,
“I’m alright babe, have no fear.”

As I spoke my eyes did burn,
Stopping the tears is a skill I’ve learned,
I reach out and touch her so soft hand,
A little shock vibrates the touch where we did stand.

I look into her big blue eyes,
I say again that I’m alright,
Under a moon full of light,
And by a stream which sparkled bright.

Walking close under the moon,
Both humming a lovely tune,
The pebbles shine where we did walk,
This in my mind often I’ve thought.

No words she speaks, just standing near,
If she spoke, what would I hear?
What would she say if she knew?
All the things that I’ve been through.

Her silence makes me a bit unsure,
I don’t know what to think of her,
I haven’t known for so many years,
Just mixed emotions through the tears.

I breathe deep and remember days,
She looks sad as she fades away,
I remember the life that we once made,
But is gone now because I was afraid.

But still I feel the electricity,
E’en though she never answered me,
And still I see her smiling face,
E’en though she’s gone from my place.

But in my mind I humbly see,
The most precious of all my memories,
Holding her close next to a stream,
Under a moon in my fondest dream.

I reach to try and keep her here,
But she’s gone, my darling dear,
I can only speak to her in dreams,
And I think she answers back it seems.

Almost as if my heart beats to
A fond memory that it once knew,
And it only pumps when I do what’s right,
And when I think of her every starry night.

I stand alone now as I sigh,
And mouth the words, “My dear goodbye,”
But I feel her heart beat next to mine,
As the wind whispers her soft reply,

It is a reply that cannot be heard,
Not with ears, no not with words,
But it reaches the heart in such a way,
A way oft felt when I kneel and pray.

I thought of you my dear today,
I thought if you were here I’d say,
“You look beautiful tonight,
In the rays of the moon light.

-Jacob Winterfeldt