Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Car of our Life

It is difficult to talk or even write about certain aspects of psychological states not at least for me in this instance because of a physical or emotional discomfort but because of a greater understanding of it. I mean a taking away of yourself from the events that are difficult to speak creating an outward observation of the emotional blocks that plague us in your own mind. If we can take ourselves away from ourselves or see ourselves in our own minds eye this helps us become unbiased by our own selfish desires. This helps us see us in a new light, in the way that perhaps God would see us. Let me use an example to bring this more meaning. Imagine a large road like a highway with many lanes. The beginning of the highway is our birth and the end of it is death and everything in the middle is our life here on earth continuing on through our path. Let’s say for this example there are five lanes but ultimately there can be a trillion or even more continuing into the infinities that is our makeup and psyche. But I’ll use five lanes for this basic example and there are five cars. The center car represents our submarine… our physical body that is propelled forward through time at a constant rate, and the two cars on both sides of the center one are our emotions, feelings, thoughts, understandings, knowledge, they are our psyche, our consciousness. The five cars are all tied together with a tether that stretches for the span of the highway or our life. So at the beginning of our life our center car which is our body and all the cars on the side of us which are our consciousness are all starting at the same place and going the same speed but as life continues many of our cars might hit speed bumps that shake or slow that part of your mind a bit but ultimately catch back up to the center car. There might be times when your cars go over rough road or the road turns to rocky mountains, and all of the other cars are sluggish and not performing well or keeping up with the center car but I say a lot of these things are what makes us strong and intelligent because ultimately in these cases the side cars get back onto the road or back in their own lane and catch back up to your center physical life car, but then when you are ten years old you witness something horrible, something so horrendous that it traumatizes your little mind. Your center car keeps going but that part of your consciousness hits a road block and the tether starts to stretch out extending back from the center car which is your body continuing to progress forward in life. In severe instances where the car might crash or become completely destroyed I think of these times as when a mental illness might start to show its ugly face in a person. These times don’t go away, they are a part of our being, they are a part of our center car that is being held back by a horrible car wreck. And as life continues to the end of the highway where your center car dies what happens then? What happens to our consciousness when there is no physical submarine propelling us forward? All the tension built up from that never unresolved or unfixed car wreck snaps us back to that or those instances which is ultimately what damns us from progressing any further. This is what ghosts are, traumatized souls that can’t leave an unresolved or unblocked moment in their physical life so they linger in a damned state of being. I wonder how many of us walk around with car wrecks on our souls. So many more than I probably think… Now, when something truly horrible happens I believe that the physical body can even slow. Have you ever seen someone with a dark aura or felt tired or deathly around someone? When people dwell upon traumatizing events in their lives it slowly but surely creates a sickness in the mind. We can go on for innumerable pages over mental illness but I just wanted to touch on it. I just wanted to touch on the fact that thoughts can make us physically sick, can make us mentally sick and kill the soul. Thoughts are as real as a baseball being pitched at your head. They have substance and energy that impact not just ourselves but everyone around us truly in a physical form. That’s why Prophets have exhorted us to be clean in mind, not just our actions but our minds as well. “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” To end this I would like to say a few things about the gospel. I think about Pre. Monson and the Apostles as exactly what they are, seers and revelators. I believe whole heartedly that all of these men have been tried be fire in this life and possibly have had many car wrecks that hindered their eternal progress for a time, however I personally believe that this time in their lives that their side cars, their consciousness’s are not only up right there by the center car but all ahead of it and passing up the very bounds of the end of the highway already only waiting for the physical center car to come to its end so when it does their consciousness’s will not only not be damned but rapidly continue progressing into the next level of this ultimately brilliant masterpiece that is the Plan of Salvation. Their consciousness is not dwelling on the time that they lost a family or close friend, and it is not dwelling on how they are going to look that day, it’s not dwelling at all but it is thinking, it is thinking and pondering on what is beyond us, on what it is when we are away from ourselves in a helicopter that sees our highway from the sky, and sees all the potential and real damning roadblocks and car wrecks of our lives. They see the ways that people and nations and the world and the universe move and understand what needs to happen to prepare those that would listen. They are seers because they are not blocked by emotional trauma, they have had extreme emotional pains but have with eternal help fixed their cars that have crashed, and not only fixed them but gave them jet boosters and wings of new understanding and enlightenment which ultimately led them to the point in which they are now, Prophets of God.


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