Thursday, July 15, 2010

What do you Believe?

I know no one wants to hear me yap on about time again but I figure no one has to read this if they don’t want, but I recommend you do... I want to start off by asking the question, What do you believe?

Well, what do you believe? Do you believe you are breathing air? Do you believe that you can see? Do you believe that you have friends? Do you believe that those friends care about you? Do you believe in life after death? Do you believe there is a God? Do you believe in true love? Do you believe you have lived a long life? Now, would you say that you believe some of these things, and that you know other things, or that you don’t believe some of these things, or you simply don’t know some of these things.
Some people would say, well, I know I can see because I’m reading this right now with my eyes, but God, you can’t see God, even air molecules we have scientifically seen, but God? out of the question because there is no proof and never will be.
If this is the case, how can some people say that they know there is a God? Some might say that they don’t know, they are just being fools and hoping in something that is unseen and unknowable simply out of fear or some other greater need to believe in something greater than themselves. But certain individuals will boldly state that they KNOW without a shadow of a doubt there is a God. How can this be? The spirit? The Holy Ghost Testifies of truth? But yet you can’t see it with your eyes, where is the proof? Well something I believe is that there is remarkable proof. I’m not going to try and scientifically prove God(not that I think we couldn’t do that) but I want to delve into the mind of our being. What is proof anyway, something real? Something evident? Well, let me try and share with you something real and something evident.

I believe in something very careful. Something delicate. I need to explain this in certain examples so I will ask a question, how old are you? I want to do a little experiment so after you read the next few sentences I want you to close your eyes and remember. Remember things that happened to you a week ago, and then a month ago, then a year, then go back five years, go back ten, twenty years ago, the very first memories you can recall. Take a deep breath and close your eyes now and remember events in your life going backwards in time for a minute.

(Don’t read any further until you’ve done that…)Alright, I hope you did that. When doing this remembering thing you may have recollected more powerful moments in your life that impacted you on a deeper level then the regular trivialities of our being. Recalling close friends, really funny moments, really happy moments, or really sad times, or maybe you remembered just average, everyday events. Now regardless of what you remembered, I ask the question, are those memories real? Did they ever happen? Can you prove to someone else that a specific one of your memories really did happen? And then actually get them to care about it? Now think ten years in the future. Seems a long ways away right? But ten years from now if someone told you to remember back ten years ago you might think of this moment and your thoughts will bring you here in an instant. What is our existence? Our life only seems long when we think about the future, but in this moment our past all flies by us like lightning. You just recalled twenty years of your life in a few moments time. I remember events when I was a child and everything then seemed so different, so different in fact that it almost to me now doesn’t even seem real. But it was, it happened, I was a baby and it was all real, but it doesn’t seem it. Our minds, our beings are here and now in this very moment and can so easily not be able to focus on anything other than the here and now. If we could take ourselves away from ourselves at this time we can see beyond what physical proof is and then understand how limited physical proof is. I think of the ant that only sees the crack in the sidewalk and not only doesn’t know but can’t comprehend the construction workers that built it.

What is real? If the here and now is real, then twenty minutes ago before you started reading this was real and the twenty minutes before that and that thing that you can’t even remember an hour ago was real as well. Pretend for a moment not that you are the ant but overlap the ant example with your actual being right now. Follow the crack in the world that you used to get home tonight and then all of the sudden zoom out and see the construction worker that built your crack in the sidewalk, or your path. The ant can’t fathom how we built the sidewalk, it can’t even begin to think about it let alone the universe that we gaze into every night. You and I are not real to that lowly creature because it can’t understand, the only thing that is real to that ant is getting from one moment to the next and feeding its instinctual needs. We are blessed, because we are not damned to that level of intelligence, we can progressively continue on in understanding what truly is real and becoming more familiar with new and enlightening truths. This is why people can say they KNOW there is a God because they do, and the people that need physical proof to make them believe are like the ant who only delves deeper into its broken dark concrete corridors of existence, not ever thinking on who made those walls that surround them and only feeding off of what is real to them. The word “real” is so relative. There is an ultimate real truth out there, but the reason it is relative is not because it differs, but because of our understanding of what it means. So we are relative, it is constant. When we start to immerse ourselves into this type of thinking it is like a whole new world of reality is opened up. I’m not suggesting that we live in a Matrix type world but in the slightest degree we are. When someone comes upon new or greater truth they are opened up to a new world of existence and what was real for them before suddenly isn’t so real because they understand a higher law of being. Like when people join the church.

I only sigh and feel helpless when it comes to describing these matters to others because of how strange it can sound but it is true and I feel obligated to express it in some way.

Just break away from your regular thought patterns and think about something new that stirs new insight into something that interests you. Think about what is real and what isn’t. when someone does something terribly wrong, yes it is true that that person did it but what that person did is not TRUTH, yes it is an actuality that that person did something really wrong but it is not REAL. Truth is something grand you can feel in the air, and Real is something you can see when your eyes are closed. So is God Real? Well, of course He is.


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