Wednesday, November 18, 2009

As I Sat on a Rock

As I sit on a rock, I’ve a city-scape before me,
I’ve a lone companion, who offers me cheer,
My mind floods with thoughts and memories,
Contemplating this place for the better part of a year.

Caressing my hair a cool breeze shuffles by,
My lone companion contently sitting near,
He pants, looks at me while blinking his eye,
As if to say, “Isn’t it nice here?”

One of the nicest places in the world,
This rock with a city-scape view,
Born here a relationship began to unfurl,
One better than all the greatest love stories it’s true.

But this day I sit only with this lone companion,
Who seemed to understand I needed him here just because,
As if he were even here the day it had begun,
And was wondering where the other party was.

The times in my life I’ve felt divinely inspired,
This place had one of the first, the words I recall,
After all of these years, to this place I’ve retired,
As my lone companion, in my lap dropped a ball.

I threw the ball far but stay with me was his vote,
Looking at me with young puppy dog eyes,
But an old seven and a-half year old gold coat,
Covered his body, staying quiet and wise.

I’m sure my young hearted companion my heart that day knew,
He spoke to me without having to talk,
And with me gazed out at the beautiful city-scape view,
All in that day, as I sat on a rock.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

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