Friday, November 27, 2009

Thank You (For Thanksgiving Day)

I just want to clarify the last verse in this poem. I believe it is written the only way it is meant to be received, but it might be misinterpreted. The intent is to say that the pray-er,(as in one who prays,) is thanking Heavenly Father, that he is the one who received the gift. The pray-er is not telling Heavenly Father that he is thanking himself for it.

Some sincere words I offer thee,
My Father who is Heavenly,
As I wake and start my day,
I kneel, I bow and humbly pray.

I thank my Father for good sleep,
I pray my soul for Him to keep,
I ask if He’d stay by my side,
And in my heart humbly reside.

I thank Him for the best of friends,
Whose love is true and never ends,
And also for my family dear,
And those not seen but are so near.

I thank Him for the sweetest ghost,
Of which my heart is its grateful host,
Through Him truths are sacredly taught,
While in sincere prayer and intentful thought.

Thank you Father for angels close,
Whom these words help me compose,
And which protect, guide, and lead me to
Those who search and look for you.

And so thankful I am for especially One,
Thy perfect only begotten Son,
Whose sacrifice will forever be
Engrained in the essence of what is me.

I also pray that thou wouldst seal,
These words I speak to thee as I kneel,
Seal them that they will fulfill,
A promise, a kiss, thy perfect will.

I thank thee Father for it’s in my heart,
E’en though my body could fall apart,
In thanksgiving I’ll understand,
Wisdom obtained of what thou hast planned.

In my chest there is a light,
I found it in my darkest night,
I’m thankful for this light so clean,
And for the things that with it I have seen.

One last thing before I must go,
Wouldst thou let those who read this, light do show?
And let them know that it is true,
If not though, to me, Father, I say thank you.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

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