Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The prose of a man who befriended the Heavens

The prose of a man who befriended the Heavens

“If only I had a Urim and Thummim so I could translate the heavens into words I could understand. They speak though profoundly and the wishes of my heart seem near when I listen carefully. Why do they seem near when they be far away? Is it merely a comforter or do they truly speak the words that shall be? Maybe I just don’t understand yet, maybe I’ve not lived long enough to witness fulfillment of my sincere desires. Maybe this is a time for preparing for those profound grants. Maybe the Lord works in grander ways then I can even start fathoming to fathom. I know that I can choose my path but I pray God has a path for me already waiting and cleared just for me. One that after I choose in my own good faith will be there and peace will rain down from the sky and like the droplet I’ll be able to hold it in my hands and act how Christ did when He wiped away my tears. I am a wanderer in the earth for now. I seek a straight road that cuts through the tangled harvest. I seek a light that sheens through the confusing mists. I’ve seen it before so I know it is there but I became lost in strange roads that twist and fade into dusty fields where there is no direction or water. These baron fields tried to have me believe that there is no definitive road that leads to eternal joy and that the worms under my feet are all there is. In this place I not only found myself utterly lost but I lost that peace of which I spoke, which it itself is the most precious thing there is to have. So now I pray, I pray that the writing in the sky will lead me back to that straight road where I can find true happiness, where I can travel not at lightning speed but at the speed at which is granted for me to have peace. Then is the place where I will learn how to become as the light where I can shine to those who are afraid and unsure of where to turn. I’ll write in similar fashion as my divine teacher who is the night sky and I’ll let my words hint and comfort in little whispers as does he. I will not be afraid to write what is true, for, I’ve only been given truth by the stars and they are whom I emulate. They comforted me in my time of desperate need and now I will try to do the same for those who desire something more, something grander then the world which lies in a fog that tries to block out those comforting, subtle hints of truth and peace. The world loudly throws itself at you to try and cause your attention to look over that which is quiet and lovely. I know why the heavens are what they are now. They are they because they could no longer stand in the midst of the world. So now, their quiet demeanor yet their pure grandeur is only beheld by those who might glance up softly once and awhile because they start to lose what they previously considered their fondest love or their way of life in this foggy world, it’s those who look for something they simply cannot receive in their world until they search in a place where they are so inherently attracted to be. All the while the heavens hope and pray for company. They pray that someone will see their humbly brilliant light. They could never throw themselves at those who they desire, for, it stands in utter confliction to whom they are. They quietly shine and let those who yearn for a wonderful peace to search them out and find them. Those are the relationships that last. Those are the ones that go beyond mere physicality and stretch into the heart. This type of genuine love is what the heavens have mastered in their complete subjection and humility. And they understand that those who soon will feel as they, will glance up and desire more as well. They wait patiently for company and I’m sure they weep often when no one shows up at their door. Yet they are beautiful. If I am the only one this night to give tribute to the grandeur and incredible patience of the heavens then I will still give tribute. My feet will trod the earth but my heart will stand in the midst of those stars that hold it more gently then I have ever felt before. I will find my road that leads to peace and I will write as I go, for, write is what I heard from those heavens in my time of need. And to me, if there is any miracle that I’ve seen this far it is just that very thing. Vivid as red I was told to write from innumerable prayers. I only wonder how many others this answer throughout the grand history of this world has touched. Many I’m sure who sought simply nothing more than to have the will of the Lord implemented in their sorrows at the time. I wonder as well how many marvelous works, how many masterpieces have been composed and penned because a soul had nothing else in the world but the words themselves of which they found solace. The heavens are only a reflecting pool of the soul. One can see himself in the eternities that stretch throughout all of endlessness. There is where lies God, the Alpha and Omega, the Genesis of all things and the End of all things. This is where our potential is but in this world we see only this world before us and we seek for temporary gifts that give only temporary happiness. I will gratefully endure the pains of this world one hundred fold if it means that lasting peace will find me one of these days. I only pray my God deems me worthy of this gift so great. This gift so endlessly genuine it breaks down all walls and corrodes away all pride so that this gift can endure. I wish this thing beyond what wishes can hold. I live, I love, I am what I am and I will continue to be so. There is something special about these words that are written in the stars, something that helps those who look, to breathe more freely, and maybe, just maybe the heavens, like a compass direct and guide those who do look to others of like hearts who also feel those still yearning emotions. Maybe there is something more to the night sky then twinkling little lights. I know there is and to those who say there is not, I say you cannot deny its beauty. And when one realizes its beauty a soul cannot deny the feelings which stir the bosom in such an incredible way. This is the subtle little stirs of truth which mimic the subtle little twinkling’s of the stars. One can find themselves in those heavens and when they do they can find love which is what they themselves yearn for as well. It’s only when we find ourselves that they are honored, this is the purpose of the night sky, this is the love of the stars, and throughout all travail and sorrow which it conquers, I profess in all of the humility of my spirit that this is the grandest glory of the heavens!”

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