Friday, April 30, 2010

I Can Fly

I Can Fly

I wake up and write to make up for my wrongs
The previous night for the sake of my soul,
I would it be right, what I pen in my songs
For it is in the light that helps me be whole.

I know I can fly for I have witnessed the scenes
Inside my dreams on the winds of yore,
Effortlessly and with ease it seems
Almost as if I’ve done it before.

With the light that refreshes my chest while I pray,
I asked last night for blessings come morn
If only these words are what comes I would say
That a blessing already today has been born.

I do what I can, though I can do more,
I’ll stand straight up, at least I’ll try,
Difficult to stand always so oft I implore
For My God to simply assist me to fly.

-Jacob WInterfeldt

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Sun

I’m so tired and I think I am actually going to sleep. But I want to write something, something good… I’ve decided that I shouldn’t write when I’m tired though even though I’m doing that right now, because I either write really crazy things or I wake up and write something I like, but then I can’t sleep. Sometimes though, I am so tired and want to go to sleep but words will be going through my head and I can’t go to sleep until I’ve written them down. I think those are the words that turn out the best because I don’t have to struggle for them, they just come as if they were pure thought.
I don’t know, that whole pure thought thing is not happening right now. Sometimes I write pages of things and then scrap it all because it is just nonsense, most of it anyway. I’m tired, but let me write a poem for you before I go to bed. Here it goes…

The Sun

While the sun ascends the sleepy sphere,
Its ageless rays adorn the trees,
The darkness slowly disappears
While it heralds in the morning breeze.

It rises watchfully and holds its tongue,
And only lets its light descend,
Within our ranks it stays among
And secretly becomes our friend.

It gives us time and gives us sight,
And life it gives us from above,
And at this time I even might
Say that it e’en gives us love.

And all this for us while it burns
So hot that we can’t comprehend,
It’s passionate beyond mere words,
So without any it warms our skin.

The night comes every day so soon,
Then lights luster does come undone,
In its absence though there is the moon
To reassure the restless of the Sun.

But some don’t yearn, for it’s just there,
But if it wasn’t then we would
Not hold it at naught, but rather share
It as much as possibly we could.

Though so oft it comes and goes
We are ceaselessly within its debt,
Its weary soul knows no repose
For it sleeps not e’en when it does set.

No, it stays awake e’en when we snooze,
It shines through fore’er ‘til it’s complete,
Eternity’s loops so humbly soothes
Our souls and minds with dreams so sweet.

Its passion reaches out to all,
And it’s burning in us we can feel,
Some prevailing verses I recall
As the moon helps me these words to seal.

The sun over all things does ascend
And descends below all so also,
So all things it does comprehend,
As the light of truth there’s nothing that it doesn’t know.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

I don’t know, it’s not one of my best but I’m tired of staring at the words so I’m just going to publish it right now. I’m going to sleep…hopefully. I’ll probably change it and make it better when I have a fresh look at it. Coming back to the things I write always helps me notice and see thing that I completely didn’t even realize as I originally wrote it. It’s almost as if when I read the things I write after a few days, it’s like reading someone else’s words so I can critique it better, as opposed to just after I wrote something when my mind and heart is completely wrapped up in the verses. During and just after I write something my mind doesn’t see it how others might see it and so I overlook aspects that wouldn’t make sense to others. Sometimes I like to leave it like that just for a sense of mystery for my readers but it all depends on the poem itself. The feel of each one grows as I write the next line and it starts to gain its own individuality and self almost, and then I have to write it according to how it feels.
Well, I’m seriously going to go to bed now so goodnight and sleep tight my dear readers, until next time.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

An Odd Ode

An Odd Ode

Know I, I’m odd but I wouldn’t be
Anything other than what is me,
And God I believe in even though
I’m not ideal at what I know.

Look I, upon the life I’ve led
Through a window from my bed,
Assembled in the stars I see
A medley of what used to be.

Though my body’s weak my soul believes
In a God so True and Old,
And e’en though I’m odd I know that He’s
Formed another for my heart to hold.

And e’en I sometimes am bewildered,
By my own design so odd it be,
E’en at that I know my prayers are heard
Through this perplexing odyssey.

Peculiar at times within my head,
But if in the end only my God
Will love me for the things I’ve said
I’ll be alright with being odd.

-Jacob WInterfeldt

Monday, April 26, 2010


Well, here I am, sitting on my bed gazing out my bedroom window writing to you again.

So just a minute ago I deleted one of my youtube videos because all in all and when it came right down to it I felt really bad about posting it. The reason I am posting this blog entry right now about it is because probably only the people that actually read my blog are the ones I would feel bad about if they watched the video, so I am sorry. It wasn’t becoming to the person that I want to be. I’m not going to lose any sleep over it but I just needed to apologize to any who may have seen it, especially those that read my blog, because I hold the things that I post here really close to my heart and likewise the people that read it.

Love is Poetry

Love Is Poetry

As a kiss I start this sonnet now,
With gentle care while I do keep
The peace from both it does endow,
And as my words in your heart creep.

And then as a beautiful embrace,
I continue with my humble verse,
The next words I write I touch your face,
And with you sincerely converse.

Holding hands I touch your palm
And these words I see upon a line,
I write in fashion of a psalm
For the words in your hand speak divine.

And now as a gaze coming to an end,
I’ll share my last thoughts that you see,
And with the words upon your heart I’ve penned
You’ll see that love is poetry.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Well, it is that time when the birds start to chirp and I’m burdened with a troubling decision. I need to go to church in the morning but if I go to sleep now I know I might not have the will power to get myself out of bed to go. So do I simply stay up? One might ask, “Well why didn’t you go to bed earlier?” My answer to that question is I did. But sleep comes at odd times for my weary soul and it is a true burden that follows me around wherever I go.
I tossed and turned for the last two hours before taking my laptop and going out to the front room just to be in a different location. Now I’m writing to you about all my troubles. Why can’t I sleep? I’m sure there are a multitude of reasons, but I’m not going to delve into that topic right now, for now just let me write, just let me write.

Do you ever just read hymns? Singing them is great and really good with the music but at least for me I never look at the hymns unless I’m singing them in church. Hymns are some of the most beautiful poetry I’ve ever read.
When such a friend from us departs,We hold forever in our heartsA sweet and hallowed memory,Bringing us nearer, Lord, to thee.
How can one describe this feeling better than this verse in the hymn Each Life That Touches Ours For Good. So powerful is the memory of true friendship. When I think of the very best friends I’ve ever had I literally remember them with my heart. It is strange but I see scenes of my fondest memories almost as a projector screen that is in my chest, not my head. As a vivid, yet soft imprint of moments in time that play across my heart. I don’t know how else to describe it. The heart remembers better then the mind does, at least aspects of the most important degree.
Well, I think I am going to go to sleep because I am really tired now. It is already daylight out and church is at ten. All I can ask is that you pray for me to be able to have the strength to do the right thing. Even though you’ll have probably read this after my church is long over with I kind of have a funny belief. Since God doesn’t work on the same time table as us, and He beholds the past, present, and future all before Him at once, I believe pray works in a similar fashion. We pray for people in the here and now and for the upcoming future, but is it possible that our prayers can even transcend backward in time? I honestly don’t see why not. If anything is possible I choose to believe this is. It might be a child like thought but I’d rather kick back and say, “Why not?” Rather than being a mean old grump that says, “That’s stupid, where did you get such a dumb idea…” So, I choose to believe we can pray for people in the past and that was a long explanation so I suppose I need to just go to bed right now… so thanks and goodnight.

Friday, April 23, 2010

What Really Matters?

What matters in this life? I mean really, if I were to name a few of the most important things I suppose these would make the list, a general wellbeing or our overall health, a solid career, family and friends or our relationships with others, and last but not least religion. Obviously there are other things that are important but I think these are biggest ones.

Health is extremely important, at least to me. I’m not a health fanatic, it’s just that I know what it is like to be sick. I would say right now at this time in my life I am healthier then I have ever been. That’s not to say I don’t still struggle with physical ailments but at least right now I feel strong and able.
I feel stronger now than I ever remember feeling, and even my physically bothersome constants are becoming less and less troublesome. I would say I’m not simply putting up with them like I’ve done for so much of my life, but rather certain things that I’ve felt like would always bother me are getting better or simply healing. My body can handle injury and sickness far better than I ever remember, and heal quicker as well.
I am grateful for my health. I feel really blest in this aspect of my life right now and am going to do everything I can to keep myself strong and young.

A solid career, well, at this time in my life I am kind of drifting around still not knowing what the next month will bring for me career wise. I’ve done just a little college which was probably one of the most frustrating things I’ve ever done. I definitely wouldn’t say that the schooling itself was frustrating, I actually enjoyed my time there quite a lot with the whole class room experience. It’s just the timing of it was probably the worst thing. The majority of my time in school was at a time in my life when I was trying to figure out how to muster the desire to keep breathing from one moment to the next, let alone do my home work.
To the world I didn’t receive any credit or official college experience but I believe I learned more from that experience then some others in my class that actually kept moving on. At this time I still am unsure if I will go back and receive more formal education.
This is one important issue that I am weak at. I really don’t know what my career is going to be, and the job I’m doing now…well, let’s just say, I could do something else…I really just wish I could take my rifle, go up into the hills, and come home with dinner for the next week for my sweet wife and kids in my cabin that I made myself, and then go rustle cattle the next day, and then go hunt down the horse thieves that made off with my buddy, ol’ Joe’s pure bread Mustangs. Ah, simpler times. Just as long as I don’t have to do any of that miserable paperwork…all that paper will be the end of me! Think of all the paper we would save if we could all rely on everyone else simply being honest…

Relationships. Do you believe in true love? There is a saying that I came up with, it’s that the souls desire is to love and be loved, and I truly believe that. Without drawing too much on the last topic of religion, the ultimate love, or true love is the Atonement. Movies, books and other worldly forms of influence misconstrue and give false ideas about true love, destiny, and fate and etcetera. All of these ideas have bits of truth to them. So when people ask me if I believe in true love, I say, “Yes, I do, it is the Atonement of Christ.” That is what true love is, and I believe we can apply this type of love in all of our acquaintances, not just in a romantic way, but with everyone that surrounds us, family, friends, even strangers. But even at that, how sweet is it to hold the one you love in your arms and feel the peace and truth it endows.
The soul yearns for companionship, and it is a true blessing to have good, close friends.

Religion is something that fascinates me. Just the thought alone that there are so many beliefs out there concerned with a certain divine being. Whether it is a physical divine God, an all encompassing spirit, or something completely different, it is remarkable to think that throughout the ages people have pondered upon this great mystery. I suppose it is only natural to desire where we came from, or what our purpose in the universe is, or why there is even anything at all.
O, I say it is one of the most satisfying experiences to gaze into the heavens at night and ponder upon the deepest questions of the soul or the questions one secretly yearns to have the answers too. When I think of others looking into the stars it truly makes me happy because when one does, it opens the mind for divine inspiration and insight. I encourage all to do it more often. It is incredible.
Whether one believes in a god or not or if there is even anything after this life, the fact remains that we are here right now. And for those who choose to believe that there is nothing else after this life I can only say that it truly saddens me. How limited is the perspective of one’s view? How empty one must feel when completely alone if there is no god or if there is no soul, only this life and the savage lusts and desires inherent in us we have no need to control. Why should we try to better ourselves if we are not ever going to be held to some type of bar.
Any who have ever been so alone hope there is something more than just this life and turn to prayer. And sadly for some I believe this is the only way for God to bring those he loves in, by taking away everything they hold dear. But even at that, I don’t believe God just takes it away and leaves you without anything for you to fend for yourself. No, I believe He carefully prepares a way for your escape from that awful hell. Even though to us it might seem like there is no one around us I do believe with all my heart and everything that makes up me that he never lets us be utterly and completely alone. Even when we feel like there is nothing left and that there is not an ounce of light left within your very soul and when you’re in the dark, I believe that there are unseen angels that keep you going and keep you breathing so that you may come out of the dark and one day come to an undeniable knowledge of the truthfulness that there is a God, and that you do have a soul, and when that happens, God knows that your faith through coming out of that dark abyss and going to the ends of darkness itself seemingly alone will only make your light so shine to others for the benefit and glory of heaven itself when you come through to the other side.
I do believe in God, I believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and I would never say that I didn’t know. I am eternally grateful for the blessings and lessons that I have received from my God.
A religious faith in any solemn belief is sacred and it is a travesty if anyone should defame or degrade one’s sincere desires to believe in their own God the way that they see fit.
With these words I’ll end. Thank you and until next time, goodbye.

It Is What It Is...

The shade of the moon against the radiant sunset,
As if a lone entity who feels secluded,
It struggles with doubt and feelings of regret,
But why should it? for it is what it is.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I write today not knowing what about. I need something, but what, redemption, rectification, vindication, a sense that I haven’t gone completely crazy? Maybe all of those things are what I’m looking for. But I can’t imagine how they will come, or if they will, or even if I deserve any of them.

Maybe I simply desire to be at rest, not physically but spiritually. But maybe that is my lot, my trial to overcome, my thorn in the flesh or soul. I cannot say. I know something good is coming for me, but yet I am afraid of it. It is almost as if I can sense the Lord testing my ability to handle blessings without becoming the least bit prideful. I am weary of the thought of what would happen if my path were to be made straight as Nephi prayed for his path to be. Not weary that I don’t think the Lord knows what he is doing, but rather that I don’t know what I would do. I happen to know that the Lord is cautious of pouring out blessings to those He loves for that exact reason. I will wait though, I will strive to be better in everything I do so God will be able to trust me with His desired blessings for me.

On a different note and another thought to ponder, will I be damned if I can forgive but not forget?(which is possible by the way.) How would it be if Christ suffered for all of our sins while on the Cross pleading for His Father to forgive His crucifiers, “For they know not what they do,” and then just forget that any of that ever happened? The Atonement must be remembered by all, especially Jesus Himself, otherwise he would not be able to perform His sacred and unique calling as the Christ, the Great Mediator of the New Covenant. He must remember everyone that Crucified Him, everyone that spit upon Him and beat him, so that all of it can be forgiven when the cup is full…

I am sorry, I wrote about three pages more but I can’t publish any more of it on to my blog…

I find some sort of solace in writing, but not the lasting kind I need. Yet I feel like it is my present lifeline to keep me going until I finally find what it is that I am looking for.

I’ve heard that it is wrong to pray for the second coming to happen sooner, and I’m not saying I desire that to happen any time soon, but I do desire so badly for a true rectification, and I don’t believe that is going to be possible for me in this life, (concerning a certain matter). The only way I can see that happening is under the most divine supervision and authority under the highest law.

The Atonement is something that can be very symbolic, but it can also be very literal. If you look at the paintings of people in the arms of Christ you see a completely penitent soul letting all of their untold pain and sufferings go into His eternal bosom. This form of applying the Atonement can be done symbolically in our earthly life through a sincere desire, love, partaking of the sacrament, praying and having a change of heart. But yet, there are those who need so wholly to literally be held in the arms of Christ Himself for a complete sense of oneness, the Atonement. There are things in this life that can cut so deeply that no matter how much you try to forgive and forget, the damage is irremediably done and can permanently leave one with a sense of unrest.
Many people in war suffer permanently from physical ailments, but also from emotionally traumatizing memories, which I believe is more troublesome and painful. A physical ache (I believe) symbolizes a form of true aching which is more painful. The aching of the soul and of the heart, so just as when our bodies shall become whole during the resurrection of all things our souls will as well, and the two shall then be joined together again never to be separated from their acquired degree.

I’ve got to go now though. I will write more tonight. Thanks.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I’m sorry for… What do I say?
Do I even have a reason why?
I’m sure I’ve hurt someone today,
So now I must just say goodbye.

For e’en this ode I apologize,
I suppose I should not even try,
But I say this with much teary eyes
Please forgive, my dear goodbye.

Though I’ve stood upon the things I write,
And in them I’d never imply
That you are wrong and I am right,
So this day I say goodbye.

I only pray others I’ve aided
In a way they can’t deny,
Though my body to you’ll have faded,
My words in mind shan’t say goodbye.

And if it takes a whole life time
For e’en one soul my words to know,
I’ll have done some good within this rhyme,
And to them my essence shall say, Hello.

Jacob Winterfeldt

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Stolen Man's Fate

As I sit out upon my graceful swing,
I stare out across the waving trees,
Something strange this evening
Shades through the air of the cool night breeze.

I am unaware of what it brings,
Its tokens to me it does fiddle and faddle,
A shade, a wraith, a demon with wings?
A trickster with whom my mind does battle.

Imagine I, the worst it’d be,
The devil himself to snatch my soul,
Why not I, this evening
Gird up my loins and be faithful?

My fanciful thoughts are set at ease,
When I hear the honks of a passing flock,
My glance ascends to see some geese,
But their shadows to me ruthlessly mock.

Almost as if toying with the trees
Who sway back and forth so innocently,
But it be not the geese that tickles my knees
For a spook in the air this thing must be.

Something awry I feel it here,
While sitting I hear the howl of a beast,
A dreadful one, it sounds so near!
One straight from the depths of doom at least!

And e’en yet still my knees do itch,
And I fear my soul is dawned with fees,
The beast comes howling, a buzzing pitch!
I sigh as I see it’s just some bees.

I suppose my mind is preoccupied,
But this time I see something aghast,
This time it’s no trick of the mind,
It’s as real as a memory of my past!

An image in front of me I behold,
So terrible it, I cannot speak,
It chilled my body to the bone,
And made my limbs so frail and weak.

My face went pail and my stomach fell,
I turned away but it was too late,
I’d warn you of how to avoid this hell,
But it’s already stolen and sealed my fate!

-Jacob Winterfeldt

what i know

I’ve been thinking…(sigh) why do I write? Not so much for other people to read but more for a sense of keeping myself grounded, I suppose. I get so caught up in the perils of the past that I feel I have nothing to offer other then my own experiences and my thoughts on them. I know a few select people read the things that I write but I honestly don’t know how many people actually covertly read my words without my knowledge. I will write what I write regardless though, for my words are me. And I’ve thought long and hard about that. Have you ever felt like everyone loves you but no one wants to know you? That’s slightly how I feel. Actually that’s how I feel a lot. Maybe I just sabotage myself and run away from the things that make me happy, which is a possibility. Deep down I know I am a fairly happy person but I think also that I don’t know what I would do if I were to be truly happy. Maybe I like the weary, rogue, never find peace sort of persona I carry about me. But then that isn’t the case either because I’ve discovered that I can be happy without a whole lot as long as my friends are happy. Once you’ve lost everything that ever meant anything to you, one can sacrifice their whole life for the benefit of others and more, which in turn brings back the weary, never find true happiness persona. It’s a paradox. It’s a paradox and I am just a dream to those who behold me. If I can give up everything and anything for others then I am doing my part, and then all there is left to do is wait on the Lord. Wait on the Lord for him to bless me with whatever He deems worthy for me, or to burden me with whatever He deems worthy of me and if it is His will for me to carry this burden upon my shoulders then I will carry it gratefully, even though it hurts and starts to ache at the most inopportune moments. That’s when I just sigh and take a deep breath and pray for strength to make it through to the next day. I’ll tell any who read this, and keep it on the down low, but I secretly want so badly to be truly and honestly happy. Maybe I just don’t know how to be yet. Maybe I’m just not ready. I honestly don’t know when that day will come. I do though know that people in general need to live every day with more passion and emotion. Get away from the apathy and the frivolous trivialities of life and feel truly happy when others are uplifted and feel truly sad when others are suffering. Look around more and feel the beauty in life. It is strange I know but I sometimes get teary eyed just looking at the stars. So much grandeur and infinite wisdom is contained within them and they need to be admired. I truly love the life I live and wouldn’t substitute the things I know for all the riches in the world even though I do carry this burden upon my shoulders. I remember when I was young hearing about the prophets of old who were stoned and burnt and killed for their testimonies, and how if they would just deny the things they said their persecutors would spare their lives. I always thought to myself, ‘why not just pretend to take it all back so they could keep living?’ I understand now how those men would and could not ever deny their testimonies under even the worst of circumstances even if it meant painful death. A testimony is sacred, especially one that is born out of the furnace of affliction and to even remotely hint that you would deny it, that act alone would be a travesty.
I suppose I need to go to bed now but I am glad I wrote this for my blog. I usually don’t just write but I’ve felt like I need to recently. A little more than a year ago I remember praying for peace every day and all day long and praying for answers of what I should do. I had never written a poem in my life before then but so vividly in my prayers I heard that I needed to write. So I started writing poetry. Now though, at least with this document I felt like I just need to write regularly. Even though there aren’t many out there that consistently read my blog I do hope there are some. Because like I said, I secretly want people to know who I am, and my words are me. I feel like I am dream to others though, I don’t know why. I suppose I am real. Weather I am a dream or not, I have my writings to offer others and I know they are good, for they are my testimony and I know it is good. I don’t always act according to the things I know, but the things I know are certain and no amount of trial or persecution will ever change that, which is why I feel like I am able to keep on sighing everyday and being able to continue on waiting on the Lord...

But what to do in the mean time is the kicker…

I am alright and I will not fall,
Within the night I will stand tall,
Though through travails I do so row,
They’ll never prevail o’er what I know.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


The other day I was on a shadow with Taylor and we were outside of this lady’s house doing this thing called line seizure on the phone box. I noticed that we were standing in a patch of clover. I looked down and what do you think I saw? Nope, not a four leaf clover, a five leaf clover right on my toe! I didn’t have a lot of time and all I had was my phone camera so the picture is blurry. The lady asked me if I found a four leaf clover and I told her that it had five leaves and she was pretty impressed if I do say so. I looked up five leaf clovers and they are obviously even more rare, but their significance is extra good luck and attracting money! I added Peace to the four leaves already which are Hope, Faith, Love, and Luck.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Love to Adore

A Love to Adore

With the starlit sky peering into my room,
I gratefully write a nice line or two,
Something in the air says, “Yes, it’s soon,
And faith is a thing to let shine it’s true.

Thoughts are fond when the mind does chime,
But as a pond memories ripple away,
But they live on in a verse or rhyme
Inspired by those who in the night pray.

They touch others who would be in the wake,
And they break down walls so miraculously
When faith is shown e’en through heart ache,
And when you’re alone and scared as can be.

Weary hearts abound from daily whispers
Of things that surround but cannot be,
Weary eyes look on and pray for rest,
And plead for a light in the dark to see.

Thank heaven for friends who by your side stay
And hold in a way a key to console,
I’ve been given some things I could never repay,
As a diamond that came from the blackest of coal.

I thank thee Father for the starlit sky,
For in them I can gracefully keep
My thoughts, for a window is my eye,
And in thee I know I can safely weep.

As time rolls on the path unfolds,
But it’s blank unless you take the next stride,
Memories are more true when the heart holds
Them, and when in your God you so confide.

A bright night is unique as opposed to the day,
It’s for the poetic to critique and to weigh,
I would not say though that damned is their walk,
Rather to continue on others by the way that they talk.

And in so doing they are raised from the depths,
Blest with peace, what does one need more?
I can think of one thing but now let my eyes rest
For sleep brings with it a love to adore.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

Monday, April 12, 2010

Denver and Beyond!

Ahh... it's almost 6 in the morning and I havn't gotten a wink of sleep yet...Ah, no rest for the restless I suppose...but it is alright cuz I'm feeling good these days. I made some new friends and skated Denver Park so how can I not be feeling good? I'm in a sweet hotel on the 7th floor but I have to be out by noon and like I said it's almost 6! What's a soul to do? I know! make an awesome video of the friends I made and of the skatepark! and then call it Denver and Beyond! whelp, I already did that so now I guess I must try to get some sleep again. I'm in Wichita and am gonna make the last stretch to Little Rock when I get up. Wish me who ever even reads this anyway... check out my video... thanks.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Goodbye Utah...

Well, this is it. Arkansas here I come! Me and my homie Joe skated the American Fork skatepark yesterday and I did a few last minute tricks. I am kind of a show off but I try to be humble about it. I love skateboarding and I love chillin' with Joe. So these are a few of the things I did. Denver Park, it is on!

smith second try ever...

What Can I Write?

What can I write that hasn’t been written?
A verse tonight so old and bared,
My simple soul the word has smitten,
To explain what my heart to my mind has shared.

What can I say that hasn’t been said?
I’m no man of prestige to be esteemed,
But to my essence truth indeed was fed,
As a light to my mind, in my chest it gleamed.

What can I explain that hasn’t been taught?
Like I said, I am no man of class,
But honest goodness and truth I’ve sought,
While peering through a sea of glass.

What can I do that hasn’t been done?
Many before me have in the night cried,
And prayed for new life from the rays of Sun,
When everything else inside them has died.

Where can I turn when there is nowhere to go?
When there is not an ounce of solace to be found,
When you’re tossed in the tempest so to and fro,
And its waves o’er your head relentlessly pound?

What is an answer that hasn’t been given
So many and many times before?
Whiteness perfect, the snow that is driven,
Yet it is cold ‘til you knock on the door.

What can I feel that hasn’t been felt
By my very own true God?
Though I’ve struggled with troubles that I’ve been dealt,
I know my path before has been trod.

Whose hearts can I touch that have not yet seen,
What it means to love and to live?
Nothing more precious the beautiful scene,
When one to a friend their heart does give.

What can I write now that has not been written?
Nothing at all I suppose,
But I repeat the words that to me have been given,
By life’s angels that within my mind did compose.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A True Love Divine

When in the dark the soul so yearns
To sing a song of righteous praise,
The sonnet of the sincere turns
The nights into the brightest days.

“For those who love and do desire
For solace with their weary walk,
Though tears may oft put out your fire,
You’ll be as the wise upon My rock.”

The broken and the beaten fly,
So genuine loves sacrifice,
When testimony won’t deny,
A perfect love, a perfect price.

Within my heart and in my mind,
To you this day a light I’ll shine,
Never a better love you’ll find
Then A True Love that is Divine.

Jacob Winterfeldt

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Giant of Belfromhoo

Once there was a giant man,
Who lived in a land called Belfromhoo,
He roamed the hills with club in hand,
And bonked on the head all those he knew.

Needless to say he made nary a friend,
And even his family told him to shoo,
Heartbroken and sad to an island he went,
All in a strange land of Belfromhoo.

While under a palm he picked his teeth
With the thigh bone of a Belfrom beast,
Then he cried aloud and sadly said,
“Why do I bonk people on the head?”

The night came fast and he tried to sleep,
But all he could do was cry and weep,
He threw his club into the sea,
Well he stood on the isle of Belfromhee.

So alone this giant lived out his days,
For no one wanted with him to do,
Because of his bonking on the head ways,
All on this isle near Belfromhoo.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

Sunday, April 4, 2010

No Title

How do you get rid of a bottomless pit?
Fill it with something that never does end,
In my chair I write while I somberly sit
And strive to live up to the words I’ve penned.

How do you heal a heart that is broken and torn?
I sigh as this question an answer I seek,
More times than thrice I have asked this thorn
To depart, but I glory, for I’m strong when I’m weak.

I would never desire to live another man’s life,
I have loved in a way I don’t think many could,
Though I’ve seen my share of pain and strife,
My life is great, beautiful and good.

Without saying a word I stand tall and straight up,
And accept my fate as the multitude does assign,
Though I’ve shrunk from the pain and asked this cup
To be taken, but O, thy will be done Father, not mine.

As this day I partake of the water and bread,
The tokens of my God who sets me free,
“If any man hear my voice, and open the door,
I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”

-Jacob Winterfeldt