Monday, April 12, 2010

Denver and Beyond!

Ahh... it's almost 6 in the morning and I havn't gotten a wink of sleep yet...Ah, no rest for the restless I suppose...but it is alright cuz I'm feeling good these days. I made some new friends and skated Denver Park so how can I not be feeling good? I'm in a sweet hotel on the 7th floor but I have to be out by noon and like I said it's almost 6! What's a soul to do? I know! make an awesome video of the friends I made and of the skatepark! and then call it Denver and Beyond! whelp, I already did that so now I guess I must try to get some sleep again. I'm in Wichita and am gonna make the last stretch to Little Rock when I get up. Wish me who ever even reads this anyway... check out my video... thanks.

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