Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Sun

I’m so tired and I think I am actually going to sleep. But I want to write something, something good… I’ve decided that I shouldn’t write when I’m tired though even though I’m doing that right now, because I either write really crazy things or I wake up and write something I like, but then I can’t sleep. Sometimes though, I am so tired and want to go to sleep but words will be going through my head and I can’t go to sleep until I’ve written them down. I think those are the words that turn out the best because I don’t have to struggle for them, they just come as if they were pure thought.
I don’t know, that whole pure thought thing is not happening right now. Sometimes I write pages of things and then scrap it all because it is just nonsense, most of it anyway. I’m tired, but let me write a poem for you before I go to bed. Here it goes…

The Sun

While the sun ascends the sleepy sphere,
Its ageless rays adorn the trees,
The darkness slowly disappears
While it heralds in the morning breeze.

It rises watchfully and holds its tongue,
And only lets its light descend,
Within our ranks it stays among
And secretly becomes our friend.

It gives us time and gives us sight,
And life it gives us from above,
And at this time I even might
Say that it e’en gives us love.

And all this for us while it burns
So hot that we can’t comprehend,
It’s passionate beyond mere words,
So without any it warms our skin.

The night comes every day so soon,
Then lights luster does come undone,
In its absence though there is the moon
To reassure the restless of the Sun.

But some don’t yearn, for it’s just there,
But if it wasn’t then we would
Not hold it at naught, but rather share
It as much as possibly we could.

Though so oft it comes and goes
We are ceaselessly within its debt,
Its weary soul knows no repose
For it sleeps not e’en when it does set.

No, it stays awake e’en when we snooze,
It shines through fore’er ‘til it’s complete,
Eternity’s loops so humbly soothes
Our souls and minds with dreams so sweet.

Its passion reaches out to all,
And it’s burning in us we can feel,
Some prevailing verses I recall
As the moon helps me these words to seal.

The sun over all things does ascend
And descends below all so also,
So all things it does comprehend,
As the light of truth there’s nothing that it doesn’t know.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

I don’t know, it’s not one of my best but I’m tired of staring at the words so I’m just going to publish it right now. I’m going to sleep…hopefully. I’ll probably change it and make it better when I have a fresh look at it. Coming back to the things I write always helps me notice and see thing that I completely didn’t even realize as I originally wrote it. It’s almost as if when I read the things I write after a few days, it’s like reading someone else’s words so I can critique it better, as opposed to just after I wrote something when my mind and heart is completely wrapped up in the verses. During and just after I write something my mind doesn’t see it how others might see it and so I overlook aspects that wouldn’t make sense to others. Sometimes I like to leave it like that just for a sense of mystery for my readers but it all depends on the poem itself. The feel of each one grows as I write the next line and it starts to gain its own individuality and self almost, and then I have to write it according to how it feels.
Well, I’m seriously going to go to bed now so goodnight and sleep tight my dear readers, until next time.

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