Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Some Words for the Interested

Here I am sitting in my car under the shade of a few beneficially placed trees in the parking lot of the Memphis, Tennessee, LDS Temple. With decisions coming incredibly soon I wonder on about my current path. My boss in Little Rock said I could have all the time off I needed to make a decision concerning whether I was going to stay with them or move on with whatever it is I am contemplating otherwise. So, now I am two and a half hours out of Little Rock today to simply be next to a Temple. I do say it is a miracle, and I know that the Spirit resonates out from these dedicated and sanctified places as a light that shines in darkness. And I need to behold that light more then I need to breathe air. I wish everyone could feel it the way I feel it with a conviction and knowledge that cannot be shaken regardless of my weaknesses and struggles.
My mind is flooded with questions that my very being yearns for answers to, things that I cannot write about but rather keep inside of me to continue me on in a path of continual progression and furtherance in knowledge. I do feel inadequate in the largest degree to understand the things that I understand and to be blest with the things I know, but I can’t say that I am not eternally grateful for these blessings, I am.
I open the scriptures today and I read out of the Doctrine and Covenants; I have never read the passages in the Doctrine and Covenants with such intent as I have been recently. The words in the book I feel are almost like a spiritual, literary bridge of revelation. It makes the Bible and Book of Mormon more real to think on. It brings everything so close to home. As opposed to ancient scripture to a degree, we know these men were real living people who lived not that long ago and whose lives were written and documented by the divine miracles of God. And the things they accomplished in their lifetime is the reason I am able to visit this Holy Temple today. They testified of truth, they testified of the ancient Prophets that they were real people living and struggling and trusting in the power of prayer and divine guidance in the exact same manner as we do today. It is a miracle. It’s incredible and it’s a masterpiece envisioned by Gods who’ve ascended beyond their own mortality into an unending sphere of knowledge and creation.
I say look beyond what this life has to offer us and know what is true. Know that this life is more than just our own wants and needs. It is one step in our infancy to become as our very own Heavenly Father and Mother.
I am grateful to be blest with what I have. Gaze at the stars. Feel what is true regardless of current events and depressions that take our minds away from light. Truth is Light and Light is Truth and God comprehends all with this very same Light and Truth that we can partake of anytime we desire through doing what we know to be right and pondering on it and continuing to seek further light and knowledge. Do what is right and let the consequence follow and your way will be made straight. This thing I promise is true and I leave these words with you to ponder and scrutinize however you deem worthy. These are not the words that I would suffer to be subject to dissccreditation from any who may read. Those particular words that I’ve written are mine and sacred to me and I will not publish them.
I write all this in the name of Jesus Christ the very Son of God, amen.

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