Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The light at the end of the tunnel

Light at the end of the tunnel

The light at the end of the tunnel

I have something to say concerning this saying. People might often use this as an expression of almost being done with something that is very drudguous. Like when the end of something that was very difficult to do is finally in sight. However, this term is also used quite a bit by people who have had near death experiences, or have actually died and then come back to life, which is where I believe the term derived from. I need to be very careful about how I write the following so just please bear that in mind. The light at the end of the tunnel is seen by many who claim to have had one of these death experiences but I don’t believe there is a tunnel at all or that the light is in the distance by any means, even the near distance. When someone is closing in on one of these experiences the consciousness starts to lose grasp upon our mortal senses and is able to perceive things of the fine spiritual nature more easily. I ask what is the finest, most truest thing in the universe and or any realm, state or being of any universe? It is truth itself which is the very finest light that exists. This is what God is entirely filled with and God is alive not dead by any means. When we go through this state of death a blackness enshrouds and totally envelops us, and our very core existence of who we are yearns for a light to save us, so within the black darkness of the bands of death itself what is there? What is this light at the end of the tunnel that people claim to see? It’s not something outward of them which is in the distance, it is what is them themselves, it is what is within each and every one of us right now, it is the light of truth, it is the light of Christ. When we die our perception changes to what our consciousness itself sees which is not what our mortal eyes see and when we come back to this mortal life we try to interpret what we witnessed and to our level of being and understanding here on earth we interpret the best we can of what our consciousness saw into our worldly ways. When there is death, or darkness that surrounds, if there is one little light it looks to form walls of a tunnel and the light is in the distance but it is not in the distance. We are not seeing a light in the distance, we are seeing ourselves. It is here with us, inside of us right now. It is truth which lies within the very makeup of who we are, and all of the false ideas and wrongs that envelop this world are all the doings of the physical arm of man. The natural, greedy, ungodly, desires of the flesh smother this light within us and cause so much strife and pain and confusion among everything in this life. There is an ultimate truth and it is within us all if we could but see it. There is so much symbolism to our existence here. So incredibly much so that everything testifies of truth and light. We are light, this is why we are told to let our light so shine. Even our physical bodies are made up of the stars from the heavens and so is our soul made up of the light of truth and knowledge. The parallels are infinite because there are no bounds to Universe. So, rather then there is a light at the end of the tunnel, we should know that there is a light within us which is who we are and if we understand who we are we can more easily understand the right and wrongs of what the world will have you believe and I cry for those in the dark who don’t understand this eternal truth. The light within us is bright, I testify of that and it shines in the dark. It shines forth towards those searching wrongly for the light at the end of the tunnel. They are looking for something outward when it is inward they need to look. It is there, it is what we are, it is intelligence in its truest form of being. And we are intelligence of a very high order and degree. Truth is truth and light is light, and I testify that what I have said is true. It is.

Monday, August 30, 2010

New pics

New photos on my pic blog poormanofgrief. Check em' out!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Time for Understanding 2

I often find myself in a dimly lit room somewhere in the United States pacing back and forth speaking into the omnipresentual night air(and making up words to describe what I mean) letting it absorb my ever growing knowledge on that topic which is so incredibly fascinating to me. My mind races as electrical energy speeds through the almost never ending corridors of thought searching for and sifting out the falsities that are so prevalent in our modern society which are so entirely responsible for so many terrible conflicts in any degree of being across the world. I say, I do say that science’s confliction with religion, and religion’s debacle with science is, in the world an ugly and ultimately irresolvable war. People who exercise an unwavering faith in their religion are almost mocked by certain branches of science, such as those considered Evolutionists who dedicate their lives to the research of linking humanity with primate species and de-evolving us back to the primordial ooze from where the first single celled organisms found a way to reproduce themselves, while religion in general, in my opinion, often pound sticks into the ground and drape blankets over their heads and pretend that what scientists have proven to be true are not a reality because it stands in utter opposition to their church’s core belief. Who is right in this case? The further along in time we progress the more understanding of our world and universe is uncovered by science, but religion, like I said before, in general, is falling apart at the seams because of this scientific progression. Faith in nearly any organized religion might seem almost foolish for those people drifting around in this ever changing world while science in itself becomes a religion to those who study the various branches of it. This war of faith versus raw evidence is a brutal one, not only for those caught in the middle but the reason being is this, the more one side wins, the more it actually loses. If you could follow me on this it makes perfect sense, simply understand it. Let your heart feel the truth in this matter as opposed to the raw facts. This is when we can understand, this is when the mind becomes sanctified by truth and knowledge, and this is when science and religion work in perfect harmony with each other as opposed to tearing at each other’s very skin. I ask the very question, who is God anyway, other than the ultimate scientist. In the words of Stephen Hawking when referring to the expansion and evolution of humanity throughout the cosmos, “Masters of the Universe.”
The thing that science doesn’t understand yet, is that it itself is continually searching for ways to be like God. Ways to understand and use the laws of the universe for our own benefit and progression, while on the other hand, the thing that, for the most part, religion doesn’t understand yet is that God isn’t a supernatural, unknowable being that no one can ever understand or comprehend. When it all comes down to it, it is simply a matter of understanding, and that is going to be the key for humanity if it ever wants to marry the two seemingly opposing views into the perfect Oneness that sets the essence of a being onto the path of Godhood. I don’t believe though that in our lives humanity will realize this fact, but it will be realized for those who are willing to be enlightened by the truths that are profoundly established within both the scientific realms and religious circles. God walks the razors edge of science and thusly is God. Science doesn’t even know who it looks up to and religion doesn’t know where their basis for belief even lies. Combine the two, than ponder on it and one’s mind is opened to see things that once slept in the dark while it dreamed of being realized and brought to its undeniable light. The truth is out there, it really is, just find it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Time for Understanding

We, as human beings need to be a bit more understanding. What I mean is that we need to overcome our own prejudices, and we need to understand when we have them. The reason the work is so greatly hindered is because of blocks in people’s minds. I don’t completely refer to “the work,” as spreading the gospel, although it is a big portion of it, but rather, on a different scale I refer to the work of the human mind in conjunction with the world and the universe. There is so much power out there in the world and in our own minds. This life is filled with things that we simply can’t see yet and are all around us, surrounding like an ocean. World governments and those who sway political powers are constantly playing a giant game of chess when we are the tiles of different colors they play on. The power of secrets and invisible persuasions, despicable strategies that leave the tiles in darkness and sickness, motivations that are sourced from corrupted views, so many of these things are real and on such an epic scale and the influence of them on our own lives might not be seen with the eye but I testify that just the very thoughts of those people who operate and run the world are impacting our very cores, so detrimentally engraining itself into who we are and who we think we are choosing to be. The pull of this invisible power is tremendous. The negative aspects of it, the energy of it flow over the world like a darkness, a sickness that is not felt for many until one is at the verge of death itself. Death brings with it an undeniable honesty to those who surround themselves and raise themselves up in this world. Those closing in on that time when the soul departs and the body goes the way of all the world often find themselves realizing hope a little too late because they have utterly entwined their existence into this life and procrastinated what is truly important to them. Important to what a soul really desires and what that is, is in stark contrast to that of what the body wants. The soul wants to live while the body dies. This is what might be considered hell for those in this position of the end of their lives, though it can be realized and felt at any point in life I believe, take a look at Alma the younger and many others. Even people you might know now.
So ultimately, when you hear of people speaking about unseen forces at work, this is what it means. It means that, yes, the physical completions of evil men’s agendas do come about and surface, but I testify that the collected thoughts themselves of a corrupted society sway us just by being thoughts. That the incredible number of those dabbling in these decaying creeds link and twine across the globe covering us like a blanket of darkness. This is why we must stand in holy places and fill ourselves with good thoughts by getting rid of dark or deteriorating influences in our lives and surrounding ourselves with good relations that are true, I know this concept very well from the perspective of both sides, and in the end when we set aside our prejudices we can understand what it is and who those are that are true. We can start to see truth itself in the air as if it were a physical thing. We can even detect those who put on a lambs mask to cover their razor sharp teeth so as to be able to devour its needed, unsuspecting prey. When you start to see truth the shades of darkness become more vivid and undeniably evil. It is time for understanding, the powers at work all around us constantly impact how we live and perceive our lives. I have given quite a bit of thought to this and I have concluded that it is absolutely frightening how influenced we can be. We humans so slowly change that by the time we have realized what we have become we don’t even see anymore what we used to have. This is why we MUST grasp onto that little bit of truth that we CAN see and never let go of it. Hold onto it like it’s what gives us life. Like it is what heals us, like it is what brightens our way in this dark world. Make friends that are holding onto that light as well, find them and search them out and combine the truths that you have together to make an even brighter light. It is time for understanding, it is time for truth and knowledge to be sparked in the mind of those who would think, those who might use what is already prevalent in our bodies, the ability to know goodness from darkness, the ability to ascend beyond the realms of fear, and anger, and jealousy, and prejudice, and be able to use this body for good regardless of physical ability. This is for those who would not simply choose the darkness just to be different from those they might dislike at the time but rather, choose the right, choose the right to be different from those who would. It is time that we see these things, it is time for truth to be established and ubiquitous, and I do say it is time for understanding.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Journey Scroll

I ponder on a part of me that is just sitting still, not really progressing and losing vitality. This part of me which is very dear to me but difficult at the same time, I refer to my book, The Journey Scroll. I truly don’t know whether it has publishing potential but I do know that the story is incredibly valuable to me. The core of which it is comes from my very dreams and upon further ponderence on the main character came like a perfectly flowing river the rest of the underlying storyline. A symbolic fiction I have classified it, as it’s a portion of very early Earth history pertaining to wars and religious calamity at the time. I try to depict the secret combinations of governments and those true in heart who are caught up in the turbulence of discerning good and evil with the presence of a fictionalized true gospel symbolizing the true church at the time. The Journey Scroll it is titled. Thank you everyone and goodbye for now.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

That is the question

I wish I could run a wire from my brain to my computer so I could type out my dreams as I was having them. This idea only came because I am currently belly down on my bed with my feet hanging off of the side while my head is wrenched in what some might consider a very uncomfortable looking position so I can type with somewhat of a correct angled view of the screen. I was trying to find the ever dimming inspiration to write of something interesting when I simply laid my head down at the foot of my bed near my laptop when I started to dream. I promptly lifted my head to type it out but the dream was gone. It simply vanished from my thoughts when my eyes opened. Not vanished from my head, for, everything that comes from me originated in my head first, and whether these imaginings be turned to action or simply continue on forever as pure goings-on of thought my head is where these things shall reside and my body will be the physical conduit of the inevitable law of consequence. One would think that a soul could master this body of ours more easily than how we do. The concept is very simple. Get this body, make it work, and do good. Not only do good but do incredible things. I am perplexed at my own mental blocks. I know I have incredible potential to do nearly anything I truly desire to do. The same can be said for everyone, but what is it that is stopping me from doing these incredible things with my life? I believe that the majority of people simply don’t realize or understand how great their potential actually is, so, subsequently many don’t ever attain the greatest blessing they could. Though I know there is so much that I don’t know or understand, I on the other hand do know far too well that I am blest and have immense capabilities but yet I still squander and dabble with trivialities and frivolous matters that wholly surround every day. I suffer from not, not understanding my potential, but rather a fear of what I could accomplish, which I think is even a greater tragedy than not ever knowing in the first place. I have thought about this and I think I am naturally afraid of the responsibilities that might come from reaching my potential. I am faced with a difficult situation. I yearn to be free and explode in to that person whom my soul is desiring my body to be. But I sigh and think it is too difficult so I continue on knowingly living under my potential. But yet again I see that I am trying to justify and excuse myself in being lazy which is completely wrong. I know what is right and wrong and I see the very core reasons of why I choose to be so lackadaisical in my endeavors. It doesn’t come down to knowledge for me, it comes down to desire to act on that knowledge. I know the church is true, and I love the church with all of my heart but even yet still sometimes I find myself in the mornings lacking character and thinking to myself, it’s alright if I sleep in today and miss a good portion of church, or it all together. I justify the idea that I am too tired and I simply, in those moments lack desire to do what I know to be true. I find myself asking the very question Nephi asked, “Why should I?” Why should I yield to sin, because of my flesh? Why should I give way to temptation that the evil one have place to destroy my peace and afflict my soul? This question follows me around everywhere I go but sadly I still do yield to sin because of my flesh, and then in the midnight hour I sigh and forever ponder on my current status with my friends, my family, even my enemies, and lastly my God. I am not faced with a difficult decision, the decision is clear of who I desire to be, but I am faced with difficult moments in time that I should be able to see as exactly what they are, just moments in our earthly time, and what will my life time here on earth leave for everyone else when my time here is over? That is the question I ponder and pray on, that is the question.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I am Free

“Hello, my name is Stephen Hawking, physicist, cosmologist, and something of a dreamer. Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer, in my mind I am free.”

-Stephen Hawking

I love this man. What an incredible person to have established such a character despite his lack of physical ability. Yet, I have to wonder if he would have been so esteemed if he had never suffered from ALS disease, or if he would have even ever attained the level of genius he is at now. At age 21 Stephan first started showing symptoms and I cannot fathom how horrendous this trial must have been for him. All I have to say is I love the man and I know he loves doing what he does best, understanding the universe. Something I aspire to…I suppose I have to go to school or something like that first… Whelp, we’ll see.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

When no one is there...

Well, here we go…Whelp, I’m bored with that idea… Next!

Have you, my dear reader, ever thought about what a thing does when no one is watching? I have kind of been hired as a keeper of the ol’ Winterfeldt house for a few weeks while my dad is out of town, (SC I might add,) and a thing happened that got me to thinking on this topic. Now, I’ve always been fascinated by this… I don’t think there is any word or term for it but I love thinking about what happens to things or places when no one is watching, when rooms are left empty, when objects just sit all alone with no witnesses to their existence. Now, this is the question, are they there when no one else is there to see them? Of course they are… but what do they do? It’s like that one old saying, when a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound? Of course it does, right? But there is no way to prove it. We have to act on faith that the laws of physics act the same way when people are or aren’t watching, regardless of either. To an extent I believe this must be true, however I also believe that things most definitely act differently when no one is watching. Do you do the same things when you are alone as opposed to being around other people? Some things, yes, but everyone behaves differently when they are alone even if it be just the slightest things so why should this be any different with empty rooms or solitary objects? Well, here is a story for you to think on,

I drive up to the outside of the house with camera ‘round neck and admire the newly constructed eight feet we added onto the old, tiny house of the woods. I put my, on loan, Expedition in park, turn off the engine, get out and walk the premise of the area. Everything looks to be in order, so far. Well, I continued into the house that I had cleaned and locked down the previous night. I then headed down the long, creaky, dark, sloped corridor that is sixty year old basement steps and what do I see at the bottom? Well, what else would I see? A lamp that I specifically remembered turning off the night before because it was one of those funny lamps that you touch the sides of to turn on and off and increase or decrease the brightness of it, standing upright on the floor next to the dresser it was supposed to be sitting on while brightly shinning at its highest light capacity! Hmm… Well how in the world would that have happened, I thought to myself. Then, like a child excited to dive into a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream my mind turned to the ghost that haunts that basement! Yes, it’s true, there have been vivid stories told from many o’ family members that have stayed in those rooms down there. No one is sure who it is that haunts that place but one of my favorite ideas comes from my dad who said once he thought it might be the dog… Wow, that’s right a dog ghost, but I have my doubts now because I don’t believe a live dog could reach up and set a lamp on the floor upright let alone a ghost one. I think it might be my Great Grandpops but I don’t know. So, I turned the lamp off and set it back on the dresser and am promptly going to check it in the morning.
This might be a ghost story but the whole original thought of this entry isn’t specifically referring to the otherworldly. I am simply asking the question, How do we know the grass is green when we blink?
In Amy and Bruce’s house in New London there is a monitor screen that shows three different security camera views from around their house, and this might be really creepy or strange of me, but often when I’m there I find myself just starring at the screens at night when nothing is supposed to be happening. I don’t know if I am waiting for something strange to happen because no one is technically watching… Or if I just, for some reason enjoy observing the still of the night that is three in the morning. I can’t explain how intriguing this little, dumb thing is to me. I mean, right now, what is happening in the empty room next to me, or the house in the woods? Things are just being. Existing with no witnesses, are they really there or does the world, like the Truman Show only fill in the blanks when you walk by or look at something. Where is that lamp now and why is it where it is at?
When it comes down to it though I can’t say there are no witnesses in unoccupied space because there is no space, and there is no place with no witnesses. Don’t mind me while I drastically change the topic one hundred and eighty degrees, but the trees witness, the walls witness, the rocks and the dirt witness. Everything that is, is a witness to goodness or wickedness. This is a true belief that I wish more people understood. Everything is a recorder of truth. If we elaborate our thoughts on this concept, everything in the gospel that people don’t understand becomes much more understandable and realistic. I’ve talked about what is, “Real” before and I must say that that is something determined in the mind of the person who thinks upon it. Everyone is here on Earth, but everyone is living in a different world. Think for example about how you see the world around you, now if you could pull yourself away from yourself and try to conceive the idea of how Pre. Monson sees it, or even just another close friend or family member, same Earth, but completely different worlds for everyone occupying it.
Nikola Tesla was a genius, a beacon of light living in a literally dark world. He is relatively unrecognized for his remarkable contributions to our modern day life. His biggest thought was that power could be transferred through the air in electrical fields. This picture of him is him lighting a light bulb simply by holding it in his hand. People thought he was tapping into the very powers of God and didn’t accept him for his prowess. He was simply ahead of his time. even by todays standards. People like this were the ones that were burnt at the stake in medieval times. The blessed, and the thinkers and understanderers of how things truly work. Look this man up. He truly is remarkable.

I often feel like we live in a blind world and relate it to how an earthworm navigates. It doesn’t have eyes or ears but it can move through the dirt to nourish its self, to feed its degreed level of existence. We are simply on a higher level, but still blind. When I think about how light work, this life becomes so unbelievable. This is what I mean when I try and describe what reality is because of a lot of the properties of light itself. Did you know that people who spend a lot of time in airplanes age slower than those who don’t? It is because time ticks slower the faster you go. What? It’s true. I don’t know the exact calculations but if you set two clocks to the same time, leave one on the ground and take the other one and fly around the world with it back to the first clock and compare the two, the one on the ground will be ahead of the one that took the plane, because time went slower for the one going faster. Now, what implications does this example have on the way the gospel works and how God himself operates? It is extremely complicated but extremely fascinating and astounding to think on. I’ve talked a lot about this before but I don’t think one can ever talk enough about the topic. There is so much out there and so much more to learn and understand. We live in world where we naturally try to get by with what we have when in reality we can’t fathom what we really do have or use hardly any of what is there for us to use. This is why I feel like I am blind, living in a dark world. If we could only adjust our eyes somehow and see the very fabric of light and time and space who knows how much of the things we think we know are true might be defeated. We try and make everything level when building houses but in the grand scheme of the universe our houses are as crooked as a broken leg. If we could but see, if we could just understand that what we do see isn’t what is there. Only to our understanding it is there and our understanding is what we take into our bodies.
So, now my dear readers, do you want the red or the blue pill? Just know either way, there is no spoon…

K, that was stupid, ha, I almost feel bad for ending it that way but I’m keeping it.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Time to Clear the Air

Well, it’s time to clear the air. Take a few deep breaths and feel the curiously funny sensation that warms over the body. Mmm… Tingly.
Alright, I’ve been recently inspired to care more about how I write. Before I would just rant on in long, unorganized sentences and paragraphs where true meaning was intended but ultimately was overshadowed wholly by ungrammatical, unprofessional, complex and dubious streams of words that mangled together like vines in a jungle that one would hardly be able to get through. I mean by this, that I would just write nonstop without worrying too much about punctuation, capitalization, sentence or paragraph structure or forming, or any other words or ways that describe proper or improper ways to write.
I know, oh, I know I’ve a long way to go in my ever increasing knowledge of proper writing skills. Sometimes I feel like a little kid, well mostly all of the time I feel like a little kid but I don’t think of that as a negative thing. I want to learn and do things the right way but there is a portion of me that says, “Ahh! I can write how I want to write!” Well, don’t get me wrong I totally know that and will write how I may but here is where my confliction of thought sets in. I know there are rules to writing just as everything else but I can’t hardly stand the man that says, “Now, you cannot say ‘Can’t hardly stand’ the way you used it. It’s improper and is a double negative which implies a lowly ignorance.” All I have to say to that is, "That don’t matter much to me." (Sigh…) I suppose it should though...
Well, I do desire to be better in my all around writing skills because it is something that I can do in the wee hours of the morning when sleep is scarce. And I do believe that I can start a sentence with the word, “And,” regardless of what Microsoft Word says.

I love to write so today I will
Try and tune my desired skill,
I’m slow in the proper technique
But strong things once were frail and weak.

Writing’s truly great and grand
I know it’s a passionate art
I’ve no learned wit or practiced hand
But I’ve got desire, truth and heart.

With all the skills the world endows
A perfect book is worth not much
If no love the writer allows
Or is able to other hearts touch.

So like a child my clumsy writes
Are written from my would be scars,
Taken from my darkest nights,
Nights that taught me to learn from the stars.