Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Time for Understanding 2

I often find myself in a dimly lit room somewhere in the United States pacing back and forth speaking into the omnipresentual night air(and making up words to describe what I mean) letting it absorb my ever growing knowledge on that topic which is so incredibly fascinating to me. My mind races as electrical energy speeds through the almost never ending corridors of thought searching for and sifting out the falsities that are so prevalent in our modern society which are so entirely responsible for so many terrible conflicts in any degree of being across the world. I say, I do say that science’s confliction with religion, and religion’s debacle with science is, in the world an ugly and ultimately irresolvable war. People who exercise an unwavering faith in their religion are almost mocked by certain branches of science, such as those considered Evolutionists who dedicate their lives to the research of linking humanity with primate species and de-evolving us back to the primordial ooze from where the first single celled organisms found a way to reproduce themselves, while religion in general, in my opinion, often pound sticks into the ground and drape blankets over their heads and pretend that what scientists have proven to be true are not a reality because it stands in utter opposition to their church’s core belief. Who is right in this case? The further along in time we progress the more understanding of our world and universe is uncovered by science, but religion, like I said before, in general, is falling apart at the seams because of this scientific progression. Faith in nearly any organized religion might seem almost foolish for those people drifting around in this ever changing world while science in itself becomes a religion to those who study the various branches of it. This war of faith versus raw evidence is a brutal one, not only for those caught in the middle but the reason being is this, the more one side wins, the more it actually loses. If you could follow me on this it makes perfect sense, simply understand it. Let your heart feel the truth in this matter as opposed to the raw facts. This is when we can understand, this is when the mind becomes sanctified by truth and knowledge, and this is when science and religion work in perfect harmony with each other as opposed to tearing at each other’s very skin. I ask the very question, who is God anyway, other than the ultimate scientist. In the words of Stephen Hawking when referring to the expansion and evolution of humanity throughout the cosmos, “Masters of the Universe.”
The thing that science doesn’t understand yet, is that it itself is continually searching for ways to be like God. Ways to understand and use the laws of the universe for our own benefit and progression, while on the other hand, the thing that, for the most part, religion doesn’t understand yet is that God isn’t a supernatural, unknowable being that no one can ever understand or comprehend. When it all comes down to it, it is simply a matter of understanding, and that is going to be the key for humanity if it ever wants to marry the two seemingly opposing views into the perfect Oneness that sets the essence of a being onto the path of Godhood. I don’t believe though that in our lives humanity will realize this fact, but it will be realized for those who are willing to be enlightened by the truths that are profoundly established within both the scientific realms and religious circles. God walks the razors edge of science and thusly is God. Science doesn’t even know who it looks up to and religion doesn’t know where their basis for belief even lies. Combine the two, than ponder on it and one’s mind is opened to see things that once slept in the dark while it dreamed of being realized and brought to its undeniable light. The truth is out there, it really is, just find it.

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