Monday, August 16, 2010

Time for Understanding

We, as human beings need to be a bit more understanding. What I mean is that we need to overcome our own prejudices, and we need to understand when we have them. The reason the work is so greatly hindered is because of blocks in people’s minds. I don’t completely refer to “the work,” as spreading the gospel, although it is a big portion of it, but rather, on a different scale I refer to the work of the human mind in conjunction with the world and the universe. There is so much power out there in the world and in our own minds. This life is filled with things that we simply can’t see yet and are all around us, surrounding like an ocean. World governments and those who sway political powers are constantly playing a giant game of chess when we are the tiles of different colors they play on. The power of secrets and invisible persuasions, despicable strategies that leave the tiles in darkness and sickness, motivations that are sourced from corrupted views, so many of these things are real and on such an epic scale and the influence of them on our own lives might not be seen with the eye but I testify that just the very thoughts of those people who operate and run the world are impacting our very cores, so detrimentally engraining itself into who we are and who we think we are choosing to be. The pull of this invisible power is tremendous. The negative aspects of it, the energy of it flow over the world like a darkness, a sickness that is not felt for many until one is at the verge of death itself. Death brings with it an undeniable honesty to those who surround themselves and raise themselves up in this world. Those closing in on that time when the soul departs and the body goes the way of all the world often find themselves realizing hope a little too late because they have utterly entwined their existence into this life and procrastinated what is truly important to them. Important to what a soul really desires and what that is, is in stark contrast to that of what the body wants. The soul wants to live while the body dies. This is what might be considered hell for those in this position of the end of their lives, though it can be realized and felt at any point in life I believe, take a look at Alma the younger and many others. Even people you might know now.
So ultimately, when you hear of people speaking about unseen forces at work, this is what it means. It means that, yes, the physical completions of evil men’s agendas do come about and surface, but I testify that the collected thoughts themselves of a corrupted society sway us just by being thoughts. That the incredible number of those dabbling in these decaying creeds link and twine across the globe covering us like a blanket of darkness. This is why we must stand in holy places and fill ourselves with good thoughts by getting rid of dark or deteriorating influences in our lives and surrounding ourselves with good relations that are true, I know this concept very well from the perspective of both sides, and in the end when we set aside our prejudices we can understand what it is and who those are that are true. We can start to see truth itself in the air as if it were a physical thing. We can even detect those who put on a lambs mask to cover their razor sharp teeth so as to be able to devour its needed, unsuspecting prey. When you start to see truth the shades of darkness become more vivid and undeniably evil. It is time for understanding, the powers at work all around us constantly impact how we live and perceive our lives. I have given quite a bit of thought to this and I have concluded that it is absolutely frightening how influenced we can be. We humans so slowly change that by the time we have realized what we have become we don’t even see anymore what we used to have. This is why we MUST grasp onto that little bit of truth that we CAN see and never let go of it. Hold onto it like it’s what gives us life. Like it is what heals us, like it is what brightens our way in this dark world. Make friends that are holding onto that light as well, find them and search them out and combine the truths that you have together to make an even brighter light. It is time for understanding, it is time for truth and knowledge to be sparked in the mind of those who would think, those who might use what is already prevalent in our bodies, the ability to know goodness from darkness, the ability to ascend beyond the realms of fear, and anger, and jealousy, and prejudice, and be able to use this body for good regardless of physical ability. This is for those who would not simply choose the darkness just to be different from those they might dislike at the time but rather, choose the right, choose the right to be different from those who would. It is time that we see these things, it is time for truth to be established and ubiquitous, and I do say it is time for understanding.

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