Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel

The light at the end of the tunnel

I have something to say concerning this saying. People might often use this as an expression of almost being done with something that is very drudguous. Like when the end of something that was very difficult to do is finally in sight. However, this term is also used quite a bit by people who have had near death experiences, or have actually died and then come back to life, which is where I believe the term derived from. I need to be very careful about how I write the following so just please bear that in mind. The light at the end of the tunnel is seen by many who claim to have had one of these death experiences but I don’t believe there is a tunnel at all or that the light is in the distance by any means, even the near distance. When someone is closing in on one of these experiences the consciousness starts to lose grasp upon our mortal senses and is able to perceive things of the fine spiritual nature more easily. I ask what is the finest, most truest thing in the universe and or any realm, state or being of any universe? It is truth itself which is the very finest light that exists. This is what God is entirely filled with and God is alive not dead by any means. When we go through this state of death a blackness enshrouds and totally envelops us, and our very core existence of who we are yearns for a light to save us, so within the black darkness of the bands of death itself what is there? What is this light at the end of the tunnel that people claim to see? It’s not something outward of them which is in the distance, it is what is them themselves, it is what is within each and every one of us right now, it is the light of truth, it is the light of Christ. When we die our perception changes to what our consciousness itself sees which is not what our mortal eyes see and when we come back to this mortal life we try to interpret what we witnessed and to our level of being and understanding here on earth we interpret the best we can of what our consciousness saw into our worldly ways. When there is death, or darkness that surrounds, if there is one little light it looks to form walls of a tunnel and the light is in the distance but it is not in the distance. We are not seeing a light in the distance, we are seeing ourselves. It is here with us, inside of us right now. It is truth which lies within the very makeup of who we are, and all of the false ideas and wrongs that envelop this world are all the doings of the physical arm of man. The natural, greedy, ungodly, desires of the flesh smother this light within us and cause so much strife and pain and confusion among everything in this life. There is an ultimate truth and it is within us all if we could but see it. There is so much symbolism to our existence here. So incredibly much so that everything testifies of truth and light. We are light, this is why we are told to let our light so shine. Even our physical bodies are made up of the stars from the heavens and so is our soul made up of the light of truth and knowledge. The parallels are infinite because there are no bounds to Universe. So, rather then there is a light at the end of the tunnel, we should know that there is a light within us which is who we are and if we understand who we are we can more easily understand the right and wrongs of what the world will have you believe and I cry for those in the dark who don’t understand this eternal truth. The light within us is bright, I testify of that and it shines in the dark. It shines forth towards those searching wrongly for the light at the end of the tunnel. They are looking for something outward when it is inward they need to look. It is there, it is what we are, it is intelligence in its truest form of being. And we are intelligence of a very high order and degree. Truth is truth and light is light, and I testify that what I have said is true. It is.

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