Friday, December 18, 2009

Few Simple Words

A few times every raith, (a quarter of a year)
I’ll walk in mesonoxion, (pertaining to midnight)
The sky I underneath,
A mystic poem has just begun.

This is no inaniloquent, (idle talk)
Or a foolish finnimbrun, (a trinket or knick knack)
I will not be altiloquent , (speaking pompously)
Or be a dull blellum. (an idle boring chatterer)

No, this I say with lamprophony, (loudness and clarity of voice)
These words are so much more
Then dubious, bologna, (a disgusting sandwich meat)
So find the meaning I implore!

In our triumphant zeitgeist, (the ideas prevalent in a period or place)
We often jactancy, (to boast)
And others of us are impressed
By our jookerie. (to gain advantage through trickery)

This is not what we should do though,
This will only give us a wanweird, (an unhappy fate)
We should follow those theochristic, (anointed by God)
And those whom in God are revered.

If we would all observe the children,
We could all live in a theonomy, (government of God)
All quodlibets would be put to rest, (a debate over theological points among Christians)
And all would have a dad and mommy.

Kerdomeletia we need to denounce, (an excessive desire for material wealth)
And control our cacoethes, (an insatiable urge)
With vigor these words I’ll pronounce
All my peripatetic days. (going from place to place)

A dystopia to us so hurts, (a place where conditions are miserable and people are unhappy)
But we treat others like we live that way,
Truth abounds in these few words,
As simple as they are, let’s heed them today.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

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