Monday, December 14, 2009


A majestic feel one gets at night,
The drifting snow in the street light,
A blanket of white drifts down to warm
The soul in its symbolic form.

Surreal the scene in the midnight hour,
Like a dream, a pristine shower,
A zeal in my heart is felt and seen,
Liken to the presence of a king and queen.

The earth to us this blessing is
As a loving look, a humble kiss,
The snow to me so represents,
The pure in hearts sacred events.

If one day I could create,
Something as unique as a snow flake,
I’d hope and pray that she would live
Up to the potential that I’d give.

And if she didn’t, I would pray,
For the snow to go her way,
For if anything would thus inspire,
The snow though cold ignites a fire.

It drifts as if a character
Is within the very subtle air,
If there is one thing I am sure,
That life abounds in everywhere.

It is a gift to thus behold,
When the midnight veil starts to unfold,
The snow, the stars, and angels all,
To your heart a message they softly call.

A message of truth straight from above,
Impressions of those whom I dearly love,
I wish I could hold all the time this feel,
And keep in my heart this grateful zeal.

The snow to my heart so agrees
With what I’ve heard from the cool night breeze,
The stars, my heart and angels too,
Fill my very soul with truth it’s true.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

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