Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Angel

Father, stay nearby,
I need thee here tonight,
Please hold me while I cry
Underneath thy lit moonlight.

I am tired, so let me sleep
While angels keep me out of danger,
As thy Son did Christmas Eve,
While He lay in a sweet manger.

Is it just my thoughts, or did I see,
The glint of someone over me,
As if my watcher has the keys,
To endow me with sweet blessed dreams.

I still feel a presence near,
There must be a reason why,
This feeling o so dear,
Like a flitting butterfly.

No Father, I do not fear,
I know thou couldst not ever lie,
Thy sleeves are wet with my tears,
Thou hold’st me whilst I cry.

Father, stay nearby,
Sanctify my mind,
If not thee thy self,
Then thy angels o, so kind.

If they are busy, leave me with the moon,
And if its rays are held back by the clouds,
Leave me with whom I may be with soon,
My Angel whom my dreams endows.

-Jacob Winterfeldt

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