Thursday, June 17, 2010

Actual travel as opposed to that fanciful time travel thingy...

Well, here I am a hundred billion feet above the earth and headed to Orlando and all I can think about is my strange confliction of thought. I love witnessing the earth from such a high view but it is difficult for me to have a sure faith in the two guys at the head of this massive piece of metal to get me back down safely. First of all I am not afraid of heights or flying but I would much rather prefer to drive places, but yet I absolutely love looking down on the planet and seeing the flipside of my regular existence. It’s simply incredible being so high over the clouds and seeing them from a completely different point of view. I also marvel at how these complex, massive pieces of metal can fly so high through the air, an experience and exhilaration that grizzled flyers I’m sure tend to get used to and take for granted. I believe the reason I like driving more than flying is a term I believe that I just made up in the mere moments before typing it to try and describe my thought, “The Control of Imminent Danger Factor!” or CIDF… when I drive I am the one in control of my life for the most part and honestly car accidents are much less dreadful then when a plane goes down. Now I know that flying is extremely safe but it is a matter of control and possibly faith than anything else. Though I am certain more of this fact than almost anything else, I know I’m going to live a long life but it is still slightly nerve racking to let two guys at the head of this massive piece of metal shoot me through the sky at a thousand miles an hour. It is incredible at any rate though.
Recently my understanding and knowledge of how a plane can actually stay in the air has been enlightened which has caused me to feel more confident about them. Now, we know the wing is one of the most important parts to a plane but do you know how the shape of the wing actually creates lift and why it can continually keep the plane up? The topside of the wing is curved and the bottom is flat. When the air splits around the wing, one current of air goes along the bottom and the other along the top and because the top side of the wing is curved the air going on top actually speeds up to catch up with the bottom flow of air which creates a vacuum that actually sucks the wing upward when being propelled forward through space. Your forward motion is keeping you sucked up into the sky and tilting different portions of the wing gives control of your altitude. Because of the shape of the wing the plane is actually being sucked upward and that suction will always be there as long as the wing is intact. Isn’t that fascinating? Maybe I’m just learning about this a little late but I love how that works. It just gets my mind turning about so many other concepts and it starts to blow my mind a little.
One thing I love about the gospel is that, and I’ve said this before because I love how true it is, is that everything is a testimony of true principles. Forward motion when under the right design will lift you up. The very nature of the universe testifies of Goodness and of the things we can do and become, and enlightened men who figure out this law to propel an object upward and keep it in the air aren’t just learning how aerodynamics work, they are learning principles of truth when thinking on it. It is incredible, if only more people could understand this, it just gets me so excited and I want to shout it from the rooftops! Alright that might be a little extreme but I love it none the less. It’s the very reason why Christ used so many parables and analogies to teach true points of doctrine and principles of truth. This world and our universe were created with truth so it naturally is governed by truth and that is how everything functions! I just want people to understand this so badly so we can understand how things really are. It’s so exciting because when you understand what I’m saying in the slightest degree you can come to the knowledge of things in ways that you can’t fathom at this time. You can learn from the past and you can literally have foresight to matters of your heart if you follow the natural testimony or principle of the Earth and how it works.
I truly hope any who read this can understand what it is that I am trying to say. I know that I am not good at describing and explaining things but I think I am getting better since I have been writing more.
I could seriously write a book about my excitement over this type of thing that I’ve just been talking about…hey, that’s a good idea I might just do that…

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