Monday, June 14, 2010

More Time Travel!

I have an explosion of thought for you to ponder on.
First of all, what would you say if someone asked you what time is? Not what time it is, but what time is?
In a previous entry I talked about time being completely surrounding as an ocean and how our physical bodies are a submarine being propelled forward through this ocean of time. Now I want to talk about why the submarine is being propelled forward. Why can it not, like our consciousness turn, reverse, or go faster through time?
I was driving to Buffalo today which is about an hour and a half away and I fell upon a conclusion that to me makes so much sense. But like so much of what I write I need to let you know that it is just my own thoughts on the matter and I in no way am suggesting to you in any manner that this is without a doubt how it is. But hear me out on this because it is so interesting to think about.
If there are parts when reading this that don’t make sense just keep reading because in my mind it makes sense but it is so difficult to explain using words as a tool of communication, but I will do my best so bear with me on this.
We as human beings measure time, but what is it? Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, we rotate around the sun and it gives us our form of reckoning time, but the more I think upon this matter the more I don’t think time how so many of us perceive it even exists. A person is born and they grow up and get old and die. They spend a good deal of time on this planet.
Alright, follow me on this. Time is not time, time is movement, distance traveled. I don’t know that we ever occupy the same space in time ever in our entire lives. One might say that of course we do, we walk out our front door every single day and we are occupying that same space in time every time we walk out the door. Well, on earth we do occupy the same place in time all the time, but earth is constantly spinning and constantly rotating around the sun, and to bring it into an even grander scale the sun is not stationary either, our solar system is hurdling through space never letting even our planet occupy the same place in time ever. If you could pause the very movement of our universe, not pause time how we think of it, but stop the world like how we would stop a car and then put it into reverse and let it reverse through the very same space that it just was coming from, our submarine,( our bodies) could go back in time. Time doesn’t exist, it is such a strange concept but we as humans created it to help us to measure distance traveled without even knowing it. We implemented this form of reckoning time to help understand why things get old, why we are in one moment one moment and then in a next moment the next moment, but we are pressing forward in moments not because of time, but because we are constantly changing where we are in space, and things don’t get old, they are simply moving forward in space. I hope you can understand what I am trying to say because I don’t feel like I am doing a very good job. I think it is a principle of truth, not a law that we made up to define all of the oddities that surround us constantly. I believe the universe is governed by true principles as opposed to regulated laws that we assign it to bring some sense and understanding to our minds. It’s why miracles can happen, but that is another topic of interest that I’ll write about later.
Moving on, we read in several passages in the scriptures(2nd peter, Alma, Abraham,) how God’s time is corresponding to ours. It describes one day to God is one thousand years to us. Now this could be how we interpret time or measure it but let me continue on with this being the set standard. God lives one day to our thousand years.
If you were to look down on a planet and witness one thousand years of a people in one of your days, you might be considered to be going extremely slow, because the people you are watching will be zooming by with their lives in mere seconds.(I’m not using exact calculations but that would be interesting to figure out.) Now, I in no way believe that God is a slow person, so how do we make up for this. Well, let me go on, if we forget everything that we know about time and implement my theory on the matter that time is not time how we know it, time equals distance traveled and not a period of length in time, if time is distance then we standing at point A looking at point B which is a thousand years away for us would take God only one day to get there. Now that is fast. When our bodies grow old, it is not father time, it is father distance. Our cells, our bodies our bones are not aging because of a length in time, they are just traveling through space continuously and changing.
Let me go on, did you know that we can actually time travel with our physical bodies to a small degree comparatively speaking. We can slow down time for ourselves. This, in and of itself perplexes the whole how we measure time appropriately but ties in perfectly with my theory. I’ll use this example but I am not limiting this experience to just these types of events. If you have every been in an accident, specifically for this example a car accident, through the intense shaking and crashing of everything around you your body goes into a survival mode. Your body redirects energy away from less important faculties of body toward the most needed senses at the time. In a lot of situations it is sight and basic awareness. Think of your eyes like a camera that continually record at a set frame rate that send images to your brain for translation. In these intense car accident situations your eyes increase their frame rate rapidly to take in more of what is going on around you to help you survive and get through the intense situation which in turn to your very being slows everything down; it slows down time for you. So would days be twice as long if our eyes were continuously shooting at a frame rate twice of what they normally do? To us it would seem twice as long but to others whose eyes are still unrefined it would seem like a normal day and their days in the eye of the describer (me) would zip by. So the faster our eyes send images back to our brain the longer our day is but not to others. And if our eyes got to such a high, refined speed of celestial purity as God’s is would we not get to a point where our day would be so long that it might turn out to be one thousand years for others that haven’t achieved this state yet, they would zip by at an incredible speed but it’s not that we are going slower, we are simply absorbing more into our minds so days seem for us to be much longer. It is all how we measure time and our perception of how it goes by. Then ultimately when our eyes reach that point of speed to where time is stopped and then go beyond that, all things past, present and future are before us as how God himself sees it, and time is not time but distance traveled so He with His single physical body is all encompassing and all knowing for it is all before Him. And though we zip by, we are not faster than Him, we are simply not taking in as much as His celestialized, purified, sanctified mind and body, and we all have this ability already built into us to testify of true principles and the way the universe actually works.
It is really confusing I know, and I’m not sure if even in this passage I’ve worked out all the bugs but I know it can work and fit together perfectly. It is just a matter of thinking and pondering and figuring it out through prayer and scripture study…and watching documentaries on quantum physics and the universe on the discovery channel, then combining the two… scientists, as smart as they are, they are really missing out on a huge key of understanding, faith in true principles as opposed to cold, hard scientific law. I often think of the Prophet and Apostles as true scientists that understand how things really work. If you understand the spirit, you can understand quantum physics, you can understand the universe and the things that regular scientists can’t answer.

There is a science of the soul,
And one of the plan God has for us,
It’s not that we can’t understand,
We, just on it haven’t thought enough.

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