Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Word

I think a reason I am so fascinated with words is because it is the main form of communication that we humans use so predominantly, but yet I don’t believe words in and of themselves can illustrate a tenth of what we humans actually feel. Certain emotions can’t be described with the word itself but yet I believe one can uniquely arrange words in such a way to give more meaning and depth to the surface meanings of the words singularly, which is why I love to write poetry. It’s almost like putting together a delicate puzzle when trying to bring more depth and understanding in the way one arranges words.
You know, it’s like how the scriptures say, the pain and joy that can be felt in this life and the one to come for the most part we truly can’t understand or even fathom until those certain emotions fall upon us. We know not the pain or the joy. There was a time in my life when I couldn’t believe that it was possible for a soul to feel how I felt and I’ll never in this life be able to describe it one tenth to anyone else no matter how hard I try and the thing is, even if I had the ability to I wouldn’t.
The word though is fascinating, it is incredible how languages evolve and grow and become more unique and efficient in describing our emotions. What we write and what we speak are us trying to portray to others what we feel. Though the word itself might have some aspects that can almost come close to describing certain feelings I think that the word itself,(at least how we comprehend the word) is a median freely given us for us to use how we may. People can use and manipulate this form of communication to fulfill their desires for good or for evil, and being less than completely honest is so naturally inherent in us and the word is the perfect tool to do so. However, this type of front is not true feeling, I believe that emotion and feeling itself is the original and truest form of communication. Instead of when you feel happy you open your mouth and say, “O, I feel happy today,” you let others feel your happiness by actually letting them feel the same sensation that you are feeling so they can truly understand what it’s like for you. This might be a hard thing to understand but if we could flip this around and come at it from a different point of view let me ask this question, what was it like in the spirit world before we came to earth and gained a body? Now first of all I don’t believe we had telepathic abilities in the way you see it on tv but did we speak a verbal language? Did we use our mouths? Did we have air in our lungs to help us speak? And if we did, did we speak English, or Spanish, or was it the Adamic language given Adam and Eve to speak? What was it? How did we communicate? I’m not saying I know but I defiantly have thoughts on the matter. We had thoughts then, we had intelligence and we had the ability to choose. It talks in the scriptures about having eyes to see and ears to hear. While obviously we have eyes for vision and ears to hear things but that is not the connotation of its meaning. Do we have eyes to see? See what? I say it is to see what is real as opposed to that which makes us unhappy. It is not simply meaning the things that we visually see around us all the time, it means can we recognize something good when we see it? Same with hearing? Now vision and hearing are things that go into us for us to comprehend and to learn and to feel it’s truth when we have eyes and ears to see and hear, now, speech, our words are what come out of us to portray what it is that we have learned and feel with what we have seen and heard. Now, I ask the question, do we have mouths to speak?
Isn’t this language unreal and unbelievable when you start to think about it in this way? I absolutely love it. One thing that I need to get better at is figuring out how to get to the point of what I am trying to say without diverting off on so many other things that intertwine and connect with my original intent which are just as fascinating and interesting to think on but stray away from my original point or intent. It’s difficult for me to balance and weigh what it is that I should say and not say in order for my point to be solidified at the end of any given passage.
When I start writing I don’t mean to preach or intend for all of my words to be taken as complete truth or doctrine, more so for me to express my quandaries and thoughts. More so for my own learning, often I’ll write something and then months later go over it again and change my opinion on a certain thing that I wrote. When I write it is just a means to get thought flowing in ways that natural thinking doesn’t usually flow which is a great means to find truth. To balance and weigh the more deepened and intricate parts of our existence by asking what is our existence, and not simply that, but going further and asking what is our perception and thought of existence and why do we think the things we think and what was it like before we had the veil placed over our minds, and what was our perception and thought process then? I envision it as water from a river flowing over ground that the river carved course does not naturally take it. Flowing over new dirt and trees and brush and rocks to find a truer course as opposed to that of where the rest of the water is flowing. Pondering over new thoughts, new ideas that the majority of people simply don’t think about and continue on in their original flow, not ever reaching out to more understanding or enlightenment which we have been commanded to do, and simply continuing on in the rut of their understanding that the river has carved and been flowing through for eons.
Take the things you know to be true and travel new ground with them. Never exploit your truths or justify your wrongs in the search for this new enlightenment. When you start to do this a whole new world opens up to you and it is up to you to find that more truth and knowledge that is unfathomably abundant, and like I’ve said so often it is in the air, it’s everywhere. The church is true and a basic faith in that is key but we must continue to progress with new thoughts and enlightenment and never stop building our bank of knowledge and in so doing this it expands the foundation of our faith until it can no longer be doubted or broken no matter how terrible the wind blows and no matter how dark the skies get. We are designed to absorb information at rates incredible, this in and of itself is a testimony to me that God is there and wants us to know things and wants us to come to understandings of our experiences and what they are doing for us. Even the most incredibly hard experiences of our lives He’s said will be for our benefit and shall give us experience. Why other reason would this be so important than to continue us on to Godhood and to what He has.
I cannot say enough that the church is true because there is absolutely no doubt that it is and I only pray that those who read my words can feel that it is so profoundly that they can’t deny the feeling of my testimony. Why is it so hard for us to believe? I don’t believe it is hard for us to believe, rather it is hard for us to do, which within our ever intricate and complicated minds causes us to think it is hard to believe in what is true. I recently told a good friend of mine that it is not a matter of not knowing what is true, but it is a matter of understanding what it feels like when we do. Then to add onto that, do it.

Truth is truth and it never changes,
It can’t be bought or sold,
Though exacting in certain occasions,
It is if understood more precious than gold.

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