Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Who wants to live forever?

There is a scent in the air I would say. What is it? So refined and so delicately placed all around us yet those not looking for it will easily pass it by without a second thought. Some things of great value are not to be found for those who would not at least ponder on it in the first place, and if they did happen upon this gift, I would say not all, but the majority would not appreciate it for what it is worth for they didn’t take any thought upon it in the first place. For, the pondering leads to searching, and searching leads to the treasure but the treasure is not what is at the end of the rainbow, it is all you’ve learned getting there. The physical treasure is simply a symbolic representation of all you have gained from your voyage and journey to find it. Sadly it is so innately inherent in us to think the physical treasure is the only thing that matters because we think it is of substance and value. One thing I know is that the spirit and the soul is a reality and a physicality. I often think that we try to separate our physical bodies and our spirits into two completely different categories, in the wrong categories, like our physical body is what we are, and our spirit is this thing inside of us that can feel another spirit or the Holy Ghost when we talk about truth…this is completely backwards! We are not our physical bodies, we are our spirit bodies and this thing that we occupy is a machine that we need to learn to operate, control and master. When a child is born it is not a dumb little baby that doesn’t know how to do anything like what you and I have learned to do and are second nature for us like walking and talking, no this baby is filled with an intelligent spirit that has existed for who knows how long. Imagine being placed inside the most complicated giant robot you can imagine. It’s got thousands of buttons and levers and gadgets that do a million different thing and then try to press all the right buttons to get it to walk and talk and be like all the grown up giant robots! Our bodies are more complex and involved than any computer machine robot thing that any one has ever invented. That is why babies can’t just walk and talk right off the bat. Watch a child if you can, scrutinize their movement and see what they do, they are learning and taking in everything around them and trying to figure out how to coordinate their bodies to do the things they inherently and naturally want to do. They are intelligent spirits that have existed as long as you have but received their bodies later then you. Have a staring contest with a baby and look into their eyes when they are calm and you can easily understand that they are incredibly intelligent beings with innocent souls ready to take on the world. We, our souls, are eternal intelligences that act and our bodies are eternal elements that are to be acted upon by us for we are in control and have dominion over it and all the elements that make it up. This is such an incredible topic I am getting into and I could honestly write pages about it but I am so tired now. I heard a talk in sacrament meeting once where the mother was talking about their dying child and the father was inspired to give a divinely guided blessing to the baby. It was paraphrased something like this, “By the authority of the Priesthood I command the elements that make up the body of this child to repent and to fulfill the measure of their being.” The child who was going to die in a matter of weeks was healed of his ailment and became strong and healthy. The child wasn’t sinning or in the wrong for he couldn’t, rather it was his physical body, the elements that made him up that were not acting according to their design making the child sick. Elements don’t act mechanically, they are not machines that are given one task to do and then do it and only it, they choose what they will, their restrictions are great but they still choose to do what they will, if they didn’t we would live forever and never die, and that is the question anyway, Who wants to live forever?

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