Thursday, June 3, 2010

Time Travel?!

Driving today for twelve hours to Mason city, Iowa, gave me way too much time to think. But alas I am too tired to reiterate in any form all the fantastic ideas that flow through my head. I am completely exhausted now and just as I am writing these very words I am experiencing a strong sense of déjà vu.
So strange the mind, why does it seem to remember things that have never apparently happened? Does it simply recall similar situations that have previously happened and then through all its complex corridors bring an almost scent to the mind as particular memories and then pull it all together as a complex puzzle, and then trick itself into thinking the current time in space has happened before? Maybe that didn’t make any sense to you but it made sense to me well I wrote it so I’m keeping it…
Well, I was actually thinking about this very topic about three hours in to my drive today. So I suppose I will share this, only because I am still currently remembering me writing about this experience.
I have a hunch; I kind of believe that time is not a straight line or like a river how it is talked about a lot. But I believe time is… if we could follow along the same analogy format as the river, I would say time is more of a completely surrounding ocean with all of our experience, past, present, and future all before us and all around us all the time and we are under the water in a submarine. The submarine in this example will represent our bodies. The submarine is being propelled forward in a straight line and the people inside of the submarine represent our spirits or consciousness. It’s our physical bodies that make time travel an impossibility, however to send thoughts and energy and our very consciousness through time is something that I believe happens all of the time. When the people inside the directly forward propelled submarine get their scuba gear on and enter freely into the water that is when one can witness or feel such as in déjà vu circumstances and events that may not have happened yet because it’s in the ocean as a possible current of future. It is our corruptible bodies that are locking us into a straight forward motion through time, but I say that our thoughts, our emotions, our feelings, our desires, our prayers, our ideas, our dreams, our souls, our minds all flow freely back and forward through time and it is up to us to understand this and ponder on it. This is why I believe people can behold visions of future events. Time is all before everything and the spirit of God is refined enough to sanctify our mortal bodies to testify to us in those very thoughts, feelings, emotions, dreams, visions and any other ways it would be expedient for us to come to specific knowledge whatever it may be.
I do say that all of this is just my hunch but I do believe that is how this whole time thing works. The river analogy would be dead on if it were just our bodies, but the conscience flows freely through my example of the ocean. Well I’m sure we’ll all find out how it all works one of these days but for now this is what I’ll believe because it makes sense to me.
Well, goodnight everybody. Sleep tight.

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