Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The greatest force in the universe...

Do words feed people? Do they sink into the reader’s skin, and mind, and heart? Do they change people? Do they cause people to think more like the writer by the way the writer collects the words? I think all of those things are true. And I think the written word is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, next to compound interest…
I believe what is contained in books, papers, scrolls, word documents, and online forums or blogs are, regardless of the content, of great value. Even works that aren’t specifically your cup of tea, or even appropriate sometimes because what is written is what the person who wrote them is. Words give an indispensible insight into the writer’s soul. We can read and evaluate for ourselves what is good and what isn’t and learn from our current database of knowledge. I believe though that we mustn’t let our preconceived notions automatically rule out peoples words of whom these certain people we might not originally like, but rather read with intent regardless of who the writer is. Read with intent solely to find out truth and don’t rely on others opinions so vastly. We must be honest with ourselves when evaluating what is good and true, but we cannot evaluate something we have heard second or third hand because we can evaluate what it is that we heard but in no way are the things we hear second hand most of the time even remotely likened to what it actually, originally was. Be truthful with yourself and be selfless when coming to conclusions. I say that, but is there a time when we must be selfish in order to attain something good? Possibly, but that is a topic for another day. All in all and right down to it the things people write are the reflections of their hearts and even though our bodies and minds might not function at the appropriate level sometimes, even children know how to love.

The worries of the world nary stay
When I read the words etched in the sky,
Loneliness, fear, and doubt do stray
When I hold this book so humbly nigh.

It reads “I’m not much yet I have my words,
And I have very little but I am more free
Then those who are great in the eyes of your world
For, I am my words and my words are me.”

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