Tuesday, October 19, 2010

These are the places...

Why do we look into the heavens? Why do we stare at the stars? Why is it that wise men and prophets so often found inspiration from those twinkling little dots that speckle the night sky? What is it that they contain that offers so much wisdom to those who study them? Before humanity even had telescopes people found their lives within those stars. They learned from them, but what is it that we do learn from simply gazing upward? I find myself doing this thing often and I cannot describe the wonder that stirs in me. It’s almost like a sacred communion of spirit to the infinite cosmos above. When I look at the stars I feel alright and the worries of the world don’t matter as much because there is so much more than this world and if I can somehow replicate this wonder that I so truly admire within myself then I can shine like the stars to those who seek honest truth, because when it gets down to it there is nothing more honest then the heavens, perfect harmony of indefinable genius and beauty working together. It is amazing to me to try and understand the character of the night sky. It is so incredibly observable yet few observe it on any regular basis. It’s like not recognizing or appreciating the warmth of a blanket on a cold winter’s day. I don’t know all the names of the constellations or even which ones are planets instead of stars but I just love the sensation I get from simply looking up. It’s like I can breathe freely and I didn’t realize before that I wasn’t. One thing that I don’t know how many people realize is that there are planets orbiting every single one of those little stars. Each one isn’t just a star, it is a sun feeding light and warmth to planets, a complete solar system surrounds those twinkling dots. In our solar system Earth lies within what Astronomers call the Habitable Zone where water can exist in a liquid form causing it to be suitable for life to be. How many stars can you see with your naked eye? I would say absolutely thousands and how many more can be seen with telescopes? Infinite amounts, and this is just what we can see. Now, what are the odds that even just one of these suns out of our infinite sky has a planet within that habitable zone where water runs down hill and carves through valleys? Water is what gives life to all things? These are the places where God can let his children inhabit and grow and learn. I truthfully believe that when I look into the stars I have a direct line of sight view with other people who could literally be looking back at me from their Habitable Zone within their solar system. This is what I mean when I say a sacred communion; star gazing envelops so much within that realm of sacredness. Belief, hope, infinity, knowledge, the vastness of our universe testifies of our own abilities when you look and feel that awe and how it is different from any other sensation we tend to think is relieving for us in this world. It’s complete sincerity because it is so vast and always there yet it never forces us to look. Its beauty is to be seen only by those who will see it and that is the ultimate appreciation. Not boasting our abilities yet performing our abilities for others to see if they desire and for those who do desire they find a sense of understanding and responsibility that is hard to define but very distinct because it is so unbelievable but obviously right in front of us for any to see. It is a desire that causes them to realize the importance in truth and sets them apart from others who don’t look. It is a blessing yet a burden. It is solemn freedom from the chains that drag us down because our souls are free and we realize that when we look at the ultimate testimony of truth in the sky. We are children of God. We are capable of anything good. We can love and be loved. And we can know the hearts of people. This place is more remarkable than I know. The wisest of men knows that he knows nothing yet yearns to know more. The church is true my friends. Goodnight.

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