Friday, October 8, 2010

Ultimate Goal

How can we know what we are supposed to stand for if we don’t know what our ultimate goal is? We might come to conclusions about things that we feel strongly about but we must ask ourselves what is the end of that conclusion? Where does it ultimately lead? I believe one of the greatest reasons we are here on Earth is to learn to continue on and bring life into our place. Life is the continuing staple in the universe and it is the ultimate goal. Just as we join together and create life here we will in realms to come create life eternally in ways we don’t understand yet. This is how you and I are here right now. Our spirits were created by our Heavenly Father and I testify that it is done in similar fashion in the way our physical bodies are created. There must be two to bring about one and it must be the appropriate types of two. There are things we struggle with in this life but if we finally break down and not only dabble with but wholly and utterly agree and support these ways of wrongness there will be a day when we will be wholly damned to progress any further, and that is not a good place to be. That is an eternal truth regardless of anyone’s convincing argument of their special situation. So, I ask, how can we know what we are supposed to stand for if we don’t know what our ultimate goal is? I promise you that your goal is to not hinder creation regardless of any physical, emotional, or psychological struggles, and I also promise that a human life is the most incredible creation there is and we are endowed with the sacred abilities to bring it about when the two appropriate types come together. One can stand and argue their situation as long as they want but when you know what an eternal truth is there is no compromising you’re opinion because it is not an opinion, it is an absolute. That is why people and prophets have been murdered, beaten, mocked, spit on, and hated throughout history and throughout the scriptures which are a history of God’s dealings with man, because they won’t deny what they know is true, and not only won’t deny it but will profess it to the world. We are children of God and we can become like Him and create our own spirit children and that is true. Now, do you expect people that know that to be true to denounce that by preaching ways of living that will not lead us to that point? We can in no way be blessed with Eternal Salvation if we support a damning lifestyle. It is contrary to the very laws of God Himself. We can struggle with things just as people struggle with anything but we mustn’t let those struggles determine what it is that we ultimately stand for. If you are member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints you must certainly believe President Monson is a prophet of God and that the Quorum of the Twelve are seers and revelators as well, and if you don’t than don’t raise your hand and sustain them as such. They speak the truth no matter what. They speak what is true regardless of the world’s views and standpoints and they will die and be beaten, and be spit upon for those truths, but I say they don’t face those issues today, they face public criticism from the very members which sustain them as Prophets. But I testify that there is no way one of these men will apologize for a truth, they will utterly apologize for their own weaknesses in the flesh but for a truth they will not, because it is truth that sets us apart from the world and we will not compromise or exploit truth for selfish purposes in any manner. Truth is truth and it can’t be changed no matter how many people protest and picket and gather outside sanctified buildings. Calamity in the world is starting to boil and definite sides are being drawn, this is the time where we must get off the fence and either support what is true or not. Support truth or be caught up in the tides of worldly views and criticism. There is only one way that will lead to peace and goodness, and that is the way God has been trying to get his children to understand for eternity. There is no life in supporting death. Do what is right and let the consequence follow. That is it.

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