Monday, October 4, 2010

The Penrose Steps of the Gospel

The Church is True.
How do you see invisible text? hmm.
We never get our moments back. I suppose this means that we need to always be extremely careful about how we spend our time. We need to watch out for how we talk to people and treat others. Though every moment is important, I don’t mean specifically in general everyday situations, but rather we need to be careful in those moments that utterly change lives. Like I said, we never get another chance to handle those times. It is all just one moment after the other and before you know it it’s ten years later and you still find your self repeating words in the wee hours of the night that were said once upon a time in a life away. Words that so easily bring up memories that you’ve been told to forget about, but I say forget about what? I think we need to remember because people forget too easily. There will come a time when we all remember everything, when we recall all of our own mistakes clearly and not only that, but we’ll get to witness the unseen consequences of them in the night and we’ll see the secrets that enshroud through this world. I only wonder how this will change our lives at this time of reckoning. What will happen? What will change ultimately? Will we forgive? Will we forget when there is an actual, absolute truth to forget as opposed to trying to forgive and forget within the very shadows of darkness itself? How can there be true forgiveness when there is no light to be shed upon the matter. And how can there be a true rectification when the very consequences of an action utterly impede the acts necessary to complete the process? I’ve concluded that there is only one way a situation like this can come to any alright conclusion and that requires a completely divine witness to balance out the weight of the circumstances and make such an act truthful. One thing more I’ve concluded is that I truly am grateful for the intelligence of God to be able to place his children in these times of incredible decision making. these times of incredible feeling and consequence. These times are about us and yet they are about others at the same time. My Mission President once told me that yes, we serve a mission to bring others to Christ but ultimately our missions are about us, they are there to make us better in all things, to build our own character and to strengthen our own selves through strengthening others. Like I’ve talked about before, the gospel is a seemingly contradictory statement in and of its self, it’s a paradox, a paradox with an x-factor that makes it possible with the key stone of love. I don’t mean to bring a negative connotation to the gospel by saying it is a paradox. I simply use that word to describe an infinite loop that is what makes everything possible. Christ used examples and parables to even say what I am trying to reiterate, the least shall be greatest, “He that is ordained of God and sent forth, the same is appointed to be the greatest, notwithstanding he is the least and the servant of all.” How can you be the greatest yet be the least at the same time? Well, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication... Being the least is what gives you power and it is that infinite line one must walk, or in other words it is those Penrose Steps one must travel in order to be the greatest, and it is only accomplished with a true love that is the key to connecting the loop, the Steps, yet also continue progressing forward and upward. Without love we will continue to veer in an endless monotonous circle of nothingness, being neither the greatest or the least. A paradox, an infinite love, truth, all of these things are what bring about the seemingly impossible to fruition and into reality. Nothing is impossible, it’s just a matter of realizing what everything is. Also, it’s a matter of knowing what you truly want to make a reality, the key word there is ‘truly’, and coming to that knowledge not only is a learning experience but it helps us see what it is that we really do want and what we really do want to make possible. There are things we want in single moments, then there are things of the soul that we yearn for and those are the things that are possible no matter what they be. The key is love and the reason being is everything wants to be loved, I mean literally, everything.

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