Thursday, October 28, 2010

That's why we are here

Well, as the discouragement sets in I’ve contemplated becoming a bum on the street due to a lack of people willing to employ me. No, I’m just kidding, I’m not discouraged yet… Truthfully though, it’s more work trying to find a job for a person like me then actually having one. I’ve got a plan though and I’ve unlocked a secret in my brain. For the majority of my life I’ve been so aimless and scatterbrained, never able to concentrate my desires into a single point of focus-ing-ness… (Just call me lazy on that one) So, basically what I’m going to do is get a job for crying out loud and pay off all of my debt. Once that is accomplished I’ve got to go and get myself into a whole ‘nother mess of debt by going to school; a thing I’ve tried in the past but have lacked a collection of four specific things that are in my opinion the most important things to get anything done in this life. I have all of them now, and I would say in abundance. They are desire, determination, good help, and the most important of all for me at least, mental stability. Seriously, I want to learn, doesn’t even matter what and I’m definitely determined, more than I’ve ever been. I’ve got help so much now, not that I didn’t have it before but I’m making the matter more aware and reaching out and I’ve realized how many people are actually there for me. Also, I can truthfully say that I’m in my right mind, I am strong and sound now and I’ve locked those plans into my head and in my heart, and by golly if I’ve ever had a plan I’m gonna do this one. The job doesn’t matter so much to me, even working minimum wage is alright as long as I’m doing something. It’s more a matter of principle then it is pride when it comes to where I will work. Will I work at wal-mart? Of course I will, will I work at mcdonalds? No. That’s all the example I’ll give on that one, you can figure it out. Then, school, I really am not sure where, or what I want to study. I know that I definitely want to take some writing classes and photography classes but when it comes to a major I’m not sure. I have seriously considered the medical field though. I don’t want to be a certified doctor but something like a Phlebotomist or x-ray technician would be awesome in my opinion. The reason is, is because I did take medical associated classes when I did go to school and truthfully I loved it even though I failed…sigh. But, I didn’t have an abundance at all of my four things then. The reason I’m writing about this is because I want to make it a reality and something that I’ve found is writing your desires helps them come about more so then not. I am in love. I am in love with my new outlook on life and even though I’m just barely getting started I don’t know how people manage without it. I don’t know how people walk around everyday unhappy because that is no way to go. It isn’t what life is supposed to be like and for those who are not happy, please find out what it is that’s making you sad and change anything you have to. Even change things that you think you can’t do without because those things are the most damning of all, and understand what it is that those things really are and be honest with yourself. Please be happy and make it a reality. I am grateful for everything I have and though I desire to better my life I will never think badly upon the times where I didn’t have much. I am blest in this world, but most importantly I know that I am blest beyond this world and into the infinities that come. And though I can’t stand constantly filling out applications I will fulfill my goals and I won’t be mediocre at them. I will be exceptional even if I fail more classes because I will not give up. I will give this world what it needs and has always needed, and that is an exceptional strength and character. Throughout the pages of history the world loves those verses when great people stand up and become more then what was expected, when people touch upon their truest potentials in this life and not only strive for its own wealth but offer it a glimpse of eternity. I write these things because I am in no way at this point in my life right now but I feel it, I’ve always felt this potential and I know that what I write becomes a part of me and helps me to focus on what it is that I am true at. I’ve been the least, I have been the very least and I know how to give thanks when I have nothing. Now it is time for me to learn how to give thanks when I have much, because it seems like folks lose sight of their God when things are going great, and I don’t exclude myself from that bunch at all, that is why I desire to learn. I desire to learn so I can become free from ignorance and pride. And I will learn, nothing can stop me. I’ve seen my potential and I’ve felt it for years, now I need to simply touch it, and once I do that I can get a hold of it and grasp it and pull myself up onto it and I fear there is no turning back after that. I stated it in that way because humanities truest fears are becoming great, not being mediocre which is what the norm is. We are comfortable being less then great, we are comfortable with living just under what it is that we can truly accomplish. Imagine all the people stepping passed their own self implemented limitations. How much greater would the world be. Please, give up on being less then who you are. We are great and the soul of a person will conquer in the end, why wait for it to come? We have the power to do it now. That’s why we are here. That’s why we are here.

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